Selected Publications from 2005
(September, 2023)

International Top Tier
International Tier 1
International Tier 2
International Tier 3
Others (SCI、SSCI、EI)

International Journal (Top Tier)
17 Dongni Zhu Does Strategic Ability Affect Efficiency? Evidence from Electricity Markets American Economic Review, 2019.12
16 Jie Cai Growth Through Intersectoral Knowledge Linkages Review of Economics Studies, 2019.10
15 Zhenxing Huang Measuring ambiguity attitudes for all natural events Econometrica,2018.9
14 Bin Miao Partial Ambiguity Econometrica, 2017.7
13 Zhenxing Huang Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility American Economic Review, 2016.6
12 Yu Jin Securitization and Lending Competition Review of Economic Studies, 2015.10
11 Bin Miao Comment on 'Risk Preferences are Not Time Preferences': Separating Risk and Time Preference American Economic Review(Comments and Replies), 2015.7
10 Lan Yao Do Markets Erode Social Responsibility? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015
9 Ning Sun An Efficient and Incentive Compatible Dynamic Auction for Multiple Complements Journal of Political Economy, 2014
8 Shuaizhang Feng Misclassification Errors and the Underestimation of the  Unemployment Rate American Economic Review, 2013
7 Hanming Fang Observational Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment American Economic Review, 2009
6 Ning Sun A Double-Track Adjustment Process for Discrete Markets with Substitutes and Complements Econometrica, 2009
5 Jimmy Chan A Spatial Theory of News Consumption and Electoral Competition Review of Economic Studies, 2008
1 Ning Sun Equilibria and Indivisibilities: Gross Substitutes and Complements Econometrica, 2006
International Journal (Tier 1)
207 Liguo Lin Family companionship and elderly suicide: Evidence from the Chinese Lunar New Year Journal of Development Economics, 2023.2
206 Youzhi Yang An Equilibrium Labor Market Model with Internal and External Referrals International Economic Review,forthcoming
205 Jingyi Zhang Capital Flows and Income Inequality Journal of International Economics, online
204 Shuguang Zhu Private Disclosure with Multiple Agents Journal of Economic Theory, online
203 Ji-WoongMoon* Strategic Referrals and On-the-Job Search Equilibrium Journal of Monetary Economics,online
202 Huaxia Zeng A Taxonomy of Non-dictatorial Unidimensional Domains Games and Economic Behavior, (2023.1)
201 Yan Sun A Multi-Kink quantile regression model with common structure for panel data analysis Journal of Econometrics, online
200 Youzhi Yang Optimal CEO Turnover Journal of Economic Theory,2022.7
199 Xin Jin Infinite Markov pooling of predictive distributions Journal of Econometrics, 2022.6
198 Sambuddha Ghosh* Self-accessibility and repeated games with asymmetric Journal of Economic Theory,2022.3
197 Lei Qiao Robust perfect equilibrium in large games Journal of Economic Theory,2022.2
196 Gaoji Hu A Theory of Stability in Matching with Incomplete Information American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,2023.1
195 Dawen Meng Dynamic Mechanism Design on Social Networks Games and Economic Behavior, 2022.1
194 Huaxia Zeng Local global equivalence for unanimous social choice functions Games and Economic Behavior, 2021.8
193 Xirong Lin Identification of Semiparametric Model Coefficients, With an Application to Collective Households Journal of Econometrics, 2022.2
192 Nathan Schiff* Reducing Frictions in College Admissions: Evidence from the Common Application American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2022.2
191 Wei Qian Exploitation of Labor? Classical Monopsony Power and Labor’s Share Journal of Development Economics,2021.5
190 Lei Ning Why Do Americans Spend So Much More on Health Care than Europeans? International Economic Review, 2021.5
189 Shengliang Ou Information frictions, monetary policy, and the paradox of price flexibility Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021.5
188 Chao Yang Estimation of a SAR model with endogenous spatial weights constructed by bilateral variables Journal of Econometrics,2021.3
187 Shuguang Zhu On the Foundations of Ex Post Incentive Compatible Mechanisms American Economic Journal-Microeconomics,2022.10
186 Jingyi Zhang Optimal capital account liberalization in China Journal of Monetary Economics,2021.1
185 Jun Yu Consumer Search with Blind Buying Games and Economic Behavior, 2021.1
184 Huaxia Zeng Local global equivalence in voting models: A characterization and applications Theoretical Economics2021.11
183 Yuting Chen Informal institutions and comparative advantage of south-based MNEs: Theory and Evidence Journal of Development Economics,2021.1
182 Gaoji Hu The Revealed Preference Theory of Stable Matchings with One-Sided Preferences Games and Economic Behavior, 2020.11
181 Jie Cai Knowledge Diffusion, Trade, and Innovation across Countries and Sectors American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics,2022.1
180 Kai Yang Estimation of dynamic panel spatial vector autoregression: Stability and spatial multivariate cointegration Journal of Econometrics,2021.4
179 Lei Qiao Modeling large societies: Why countable additivity is necessary Journal of Economic Theory,2020.7
178 Kang Rong,Qianfeng Tang,Yongchao Zhang On stable and efficient mechanisms for priority-based allocation problems Journal of Economic Theory,2020.5
177 Kyung Min Kang* Teacher expectations matter Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020.5
176 Xiaohui Lu A goodness-of-fit test for copulas based on artingale transformation Journal of Econometrics,2020.3
175 Gaoji Hu Learning by matching Theoretical Economics,2020.2
174 Simin He Compromise and Coordination: An Experimental Study Games and Economic Behavior, 2020.1
173 Jun Yu Can specialization be optimal when tasks are complementary? Games and Economic Behavior, 2020.1
172 Hanghui Zhang Root N-prediction of generalized heteroscedastic transformation regression models Journal of Econometrics, 2020.4
171 Huaxia Zeng Random Mechanism Design on Multidimensional Domains Journal of Economic Theory, 2019.4
170 Yan Zhang The good, the bad and the ugly: Chinese imports, European Union anti-dumping measures and firm performance Journal of International Economics, 2019.3
169 Simin He The Power and Limits of Sequential Communication in Coordination Games Journal of Economic Theory, 2019.5
168  Sambuddha Ghosh*  Intimidation: Linking Negotiation and Conflict International Economic Review, 2019.11
167 Ninghua Du Prosocial Compliance in P2P Lending: A Natural Field Experiment Management Science,2020.1
166 Tingting Ding Learning and Mechanism Design: An Experimental Test of School Matching Mechanisms With Intergenerational Advice Economic Journal. 2019.10
165 Yongchao Zhang On pure-Strategy equilibria in games with correlated information Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.9
164 Huaxia Zeng On random social choice functions with the tops-only property Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.5
163 Dan Luo、Xudong Zeng Dynamic Asset Allocation with Uncertain Jump Risks: A Pathwise Optimization Approach Mathematics of Operations Research, 2018.5
162 Dongming Zhu Breaking the 'Iron Rice Bowl': Evidence of Precautionary Savings from the Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Reform Journal of Monetary Economics, 2018.4
161 Zhiyuan Zhang A unified approach to volatility estimation in the presence of both rounding and random market microstructure noise Journal of Econometrics, 2018.3
160 Ling Feng Firm Entry and Financial Shocks Economic Journal, 2018.3
159 Simin He Polluted River Problems and Games with a Permission Structure Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.3
158 Lei Qiao Dynamic Directed Random Matching Journal of Economic Theory, 2018.3
157 Minhua Zhang Nonatomic Potential Games: the Continuous Strategy Case Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.3
156 Minhua Zhang On the Probabilistic Transmission of Continuous Cultural Traits Journal of Economic Theory, 2018.3
155 Yahong Zhou Nonparametric Identifcation and Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry Journal of Econometrics, 2018.2
154 Xiang Han Stable and Efficient Resource Allocation under Weak Priorities Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.1
153 Tao Huang、Jinhong You Nonparametric fixed effects model for panel data with locally stationary regressors Journal of Econometrics, 2018.1
152 Mian Huang Sure Independence Screening Adjusted for Confounding Covariates with Ultrahigh Dimensional Data Statistica Sinica, 2018.1
151 Hongbiao Zhao Efficient Simulation of Clustering Jumps with CIR Intensity Operations Research, 2017.11
150 Yanping Yi Semiparametric Estimation of the Bid-Ask Spread in Extended Roll Models Journal of Econometrics, 2017.10
149 Nathan Schiff* The Out-of-State Tuition Distortion American Economic Journal:Economic Policy,2019.2
148 Cong Li Optimal Model Averaging of Varying Coefficient Models Statistica Sinica,2018.10
147 Xuebo Wang Beyond the Quantity–Quality tradeoff: Population control policy and human capital investment Journal of Development Economics,2018.10
146 Kang Rong Public Good Provision with Constitutional Constraint International Economic Review, 2018.2
145 Fei Jin Irregular N2SLS and LASSO Estimation of The Matrix Exponential Spatial Specification Model Journal of Econometrics, 2018.10
143 Guan Gong Costly Labor Adjustment: General Equilibrium Effects of China’s Employment Regulations and Financial Reforms Economic Journal, 2018.8
142 Nianqing Liu Rationalization and Identification of Binary Games with Correlated Types Journal of Econometrics, 2017.12
141 Jinhong You A Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Non-stationary Errors Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,2017.12
140 Xianjie He Do Social Ties between External Auditors and Audit Committee Members Affect Audit Quality? The Accounting Review, 2017.9
139 Simin He The Sources of the Communication Gap Management Science, 2017.9
138 Nianqing Liu A Nonparametric Test for Comparing Valuation Distributions in First-Price Auctions International Economic Review, 2017.8
137 Yangkan Ou Reaching the Limits of Reciprocity in Favor Exchange: The Effects of Generous, Stingy, and Matched Favor Giving on Social Status Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018.6
136 Haoyuan Ding Connect to Trade Journal of International Economics, 2018.1
135 Zhongjun Tian Responsive Pricing Newsvendor Networks with Discretionary Commonality Production and Operations Management, 2017.8
134 Guangyu Nie Amplification and Asymmetric Effects without Collateral Constraints AEJ:Macroeconomics, 2017.7
133 Xiaolan Zhou Welfare Analysis of the Vehicle Quota System in China International Economic Review, 2017.5
132 Yongchao Zhang On the Equivalence of Large Individualized and Theoretical Economics, 2017.5
131 Chao Yang Social Interactions under Incomplete Information with Heterogeneous Expectations Journal of Econometrics, 2017.5
130 Tingting Ding Matching and Chatting: An Experimental Study of the Impact of Network Communication on School-Matching Mechanisms Games and Economic Behavior, 2017.5
129 Lan Yao Testing Ambiguity Theories with a Mean-Preserving Design Quantitative Economics, 2017.3
128 Zhenhua Jiao The Blocking Lemma and Strategy-proofness in Many-to-many Matchings Games and Economic Behavior, 2017.3
127 Dongming Zhu Partial Identification of Functionals of the Joint Distribution of “Potential Outcomes” Journal of Econometrics, 2017.3
126 Kai Yang Identification and QML Estimation of Multivariate and Simultaneous Equations Spatial Autoregressive Models Journal of Econometrics, 2017.1
125 Yanping Yi Forecasting Cointegrated Nonstationary Time Series with Time-varying Variance Journal of Econometrics, 2017.1
124 Mi Jeong Shin Partisanship, Tax Policy, and Corporate Profit-Shifting in a Globalized World Economy Comparative Political Studies, 2017.11
123 Min Tang Contingent Democratization: When Do Economic Crises Matter? British Journal of Political Science, 2017.1
122 Ling Feng Trade Policy Uncertainty and China Economic Grwoth Journal of International Economics,2017.1
121 Tao Huang Model Selection for Gaussian Mixture Models Statistica Sinica, 2017.1
120 Minhua Zhang Imitative Dynamics for Games with Continuous Strategy Space Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.9
119 Ninghua Du Goodwill Can Hurt: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Return policies in auctions Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.9
118 Xin Jin Modeling Covariance Breakdowns in Multivariate GARCH Journal of Econometrics, 2016.9
117 Jie Cai Population Aging and Comparative Advantage Journal of International Economics, 2016.9
116 Lei Qiao On the Closed-graph Property of the Nash Equilibrium Correspondence in A Large Game: A Complete Characterization Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.9
115 Jun Yu Assortative Matching and Risk Sharing Journal of Economic Theory, 2016.5
114 Xin Jin Bayesian semiparametric modeling of realized covariance matrices Journal of Econometrics, 2016.5
113 Xingdong Feng Estimation and Testing of Varying Coefficients in Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2016.3
112 Wenzhang Zhang Approximate Efficiency in Repeated Games with Side-payments and Correlated Signals Theoretical Economics, 2016.1
111 Youzhi Yang Equilibrium Matching and Termination Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015.11
110 Hanghui Zhang Binary quantile regression with local polynomial smoothing Journal of Econometrics, 2015.11
109 Guan Gong Subjective mortality risk and bequests Journal of Econometrics, 2015.10
108 Cong Li  Binary Response Correlated Random Coefficient Panel Data Models Journal of Econometrics, 2015.10
107 Guan Gong Dynamic Labor Demand in China: Public and Private Objectives Rand Journal of Economics, 2015.fall
106 Fei Jin Large sample properties of the matrix exponential spatial specification with an application to FDI Journal of Econometrics, 2015.9
105 Jun Yu Bundling decisions in procurement auctions with sequential tasks Journal of Public Economics, 2015.8
104 Myungkyu Shim* Financial Prices and Information Acquisition in Large Cournot MarketsJournal of Economic Theory, 2015.7
103 Youzhi Yang Outside Opportunities and Termination Games and Economic Behavior, 2015.5
102 Qianfeng Tang Interim partially correlated rationalizability Games and Economic Behavior, 2015.5
101 Wenzhang Zhang Collusion Enforcement with Private Information and Private Monitoring Journal of Economic Theory, 2015.5
100 Dan Liu Market Potential and the Rise of US Productivity Leadership Journal of International Economics, 2015.5
99 Cong Li Asymptoticsfor nonparametric and semiparametric fixed effects panel models Journal of Econometrics, 2015.4
98 Qiang Chen Asymptotically distribution-free tests for the volatility function of a diffusion Journal of Econometrics, 2015.1
97 Yang Bai,Jinhong You Panel data partially linear varying coefficient model with errors correlated in space and time Statistica Sinica, 2015
96 Yang Bai,Jinhong You Semiparametric longitudinal model with irregular time autoregressive error process Statistica Sinica, 2015
95 King King Li Crowding Out in the Labor Market: A Pro-Social Setting is Necessary Management Science, 2014
94 Tang Qianfeng A New Perspective on Kesten's School Choice with Consent Idea Journal of Economic Theory, 2014
93 Fei Jin On the Bootstrap for Moran's I Test for Spatial Dependence Journal of Econometrics, 2014
92 Yan Sun A semiparametric spatial dynamic model Annals of Statistics, 2014
91 Mei Zhu Behavioral Learning Equilibria Journal of Economic Theory, 2014
90 Xingdong Femg Statistical Inference Based on Robust Low-rank Data Matrix Approximation Annals of Statistics, 2014
89 Xingdong Femg Calibration Using Constrained Smoothing with Applications to Mass  Spectrometry Data Biometrics, 2014
88 Xingdong Femg Randomization inference for the trimmed mean of effects attributable to treatment Statistica Sinica, 2014
87 LiPing Zhu On estimation efficiency of the central mean subspace Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2014
86 LiPing Zhu,Jinhong You Statistical Inference for Single-index Panel Data Models Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2014
85 LiPing Zhu Surrogate dimension reduction in measurement error regressions Statistica Sinica, 2014
84 Yan Zhang How do exporters respond to antidumping investigations? Journal of International Economics, 2013
83 Zhiyuan Li Exports and Credit Constraints under Incomplete Information: Theory and Evidence from China Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013
82 Feng Liu Who Pays Cigarette Taxes? The Impact of Consumer Price Search Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013
81 Cuihong Fan Licensing process innovations when losers’messages determine royalty rates Games and Economic Behavior, 2013
80 Liguo Lin Enforcement of Pollution Levies in China Journal of Public Economics, 2013
79 Dawen Meng Multi-task Incentive Contract and Performance Measurement with Multidimensional Types Games and Economic Behavior, 2013
78 LiPing Zhu Dimension reduction and predictor selection in semiparametric models Biometrika, 2013
77 Jun Zhang Optimal mechanism design with resale via bargaining Journal of Economic Theory, 2013
76 Linke zhu Import competition from and offshoring to china: a curse or blessing for firms? Journal of International Economics, 2013
75 Shuaizhang Feng Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012
74 Fuhai Hong International Environmental Agreements with Mixed Strategies and Investment Journal of Public Economics, 2012
73 Kang Rong Alternating-Offer Games with Final-Offer Arbitration Games and Economic Behavior, 2012
71 Xingdong Femg Multiple Imputation for M-Regression With Censored Covariates Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation, 2012
70 Mian Huang Mixture of Regression Models With Varying Mixing Proportions: A Semiparametric Approach Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
69 LiPing Zhu A Semiparametric Approach to Dimension Reduction Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
68 Jianqing Fan Vast Portfolio Selection With Gross-Exposure Constraints Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
67 Jianqing Fan Estimating False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
66 Jianqing Fan Vast Volatility Matrix Estimation Using High-Frequency Data for Portfolio Selection Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
65 LiPing Zhu Feature Screening via Distance Correlation Learning Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012
63 Jimmy Chan、Bingyong Zheng Rewarding Improvements: Optimal Dynamic Contracts with Subjective Evaluation Rand Journal of Economics, 2011
62 Ninghua Du Trust and Trustworthiness Reputations in an Investment Game Games and Economic Behavior, 2011
61 Yebin Chen Efficient estimation of an additive quantile regression model Scandinavian journal of statistics, 2011
60 Xingdong Femg Wild Bootstrap for Quantile Regression Biometrika, 2011
59 LiPing Zhu Inference on primary parameter of interest with aid of dimension reduction estimation Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2011
58 Jinhong You Series  estimation in  partially linear in-slide  regression models Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2011
57 Qinglu Jin Relative Firm Profitability and Stock Price Sensitivity to Aggregate News The Accounting Review, 2011
56 Qinglu Jin Investment Growth and the Relation between Equity Value, Earnings, and Equity Book Value The Accounting Review, 2011
54 Zhiliang Huang Identification in first-price and dutch auctions when the number of potential bidders is unobservable Games and Economic Behavior, 2011
53 Dongming Zhu A generalized asymmetric Student-t distribution with application to financial econometrics Journal of Econometrics, 2010
51 Yahong Zhou Semiparametric and Nonparametric Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry Journal of Econometrics, 2010
49 LiPing Zhu Dimension Reduction in Regressions Through Cumulative Slicing Estimation Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010
48 Wanli Min A Statistical Approach to Thermal Management of Data Centers Under Steady State and System Perturbations Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010
47 Yong Zhou Wavelet analysis of change-points in a non-parametric regression with heteroscedastic variance Journal of Econometrics, 2010
44 ChiLeung Wong The rate of convergence to perfect competition of matching and bargaining mechanisms Journal of Economic Theory, 2010
43 ChiLeung Wong Bilateral matching and bargaining with private information Games and Economic Behavior, 2010
42 Yan Sun A semiparametric model for cluster data Annals of Statistics, 2009
41 Dongming Zhu Properties and estimation of asymmetric exponential power distribution Journal of Econometrics, 2009
39 Zhe Li The welfare costs of expected and unexpected inflation Journal of Monetary Economics, 2009
37 Yan Sun Local polynomial odeling for varying-coefficient informative survival models Statistica Sinica, 2009
35 Yong Zhou Statistical Inference for Semi-parametric Varying-coefficient Partially Linear Models with Error-prone Linear Covariates. Annals of Statistics, 2009
34 Jianqing Fan A Design-Adaptive Local Polynomial Estimator for the Errors-in-Variables Problem Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009
33 Jianqing Fan Option Pricing With Model-Guided Nonparametric Methods Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009
32 Jianqing Fan Nonparametric Transition-Based Tests for Jump Diffusions Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009
31 Ying Chen Analysis of multivariate failure time data using marginal proportional hazards model Statistica Sinica, 2009
30 Xiaoming Wang Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective by BERK, R. A. Biometrics, 2009
28 Jun Zhang The Role of Information Revelation in Elimination Contests Economic Journal, 2009
27 Hanming Fang Understanding Overbidding in Second Price Auctions: An Experimental Study Economic Journal, 2008
26 Bingyong Zheng Approximate Efficiency in Repeated Games with Correlated Private Signals Games and Economic Behavior, 2008
25 Yong Zhou Estimating equations inference with missing data Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008
24 Jianqing Fan Semiparametric estimation of covariance matrices for longitudinal data Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008
23 Yong Zhou Detection of Changes in Return by Wavelet Smoother with Conditional Heteroscedastic Volatility Journal of Econometrics, 2008
22 Yong Zhou Semi-parametric inference for ROC curves with censoring Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2008
21 Yang Bai Partial linear models for longitudinal data based on quadratic inference functions.Scandinavian Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2008
19 Lijun Xia State Ownership, the Institutional Environment, and Auditor Choice: Evidence from China Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2008
18 Yan Sun Estimation of the Covariance Matrix of Random Effects in Longitudinal Studies Annals of Statistics, 2007
17 Benjamin Hak-Fung Chiao The rules of standard-setting organizations: an empirical analysis RAND Journal of Economics, 2007
16 Yahong Zhou Estimating a generalized correlation coefficient for a generalized bivariate probit model Journal of Econometrics, 2007
15 Yong Zhou Marginal hazard models with varying-coefficients for multivariate failure time data Annals of Statistics, 2007
14 Jianqing Fan Multi-scale jump and volatility analysis for high-Frequency financial data Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007
13 Chunjie Wu A Robust-Likelihood Cumulative Sum Chart Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007
12 Shaoli Wang On directional regression for dimension reduction Journal of American Statistical Association, 2007
11 Shaoli Wang Inference for mixture of symmetric distributions Annals of Statistics, 2007
9 Jinhong You Difference-Based Methods for Inference in a Semiparametric EV Regression Model with Time Series Errors. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2007
7 Hanming Fang To Bundle or Not to Bundle Rand Journal of Economics, 2006
6 Yong Zhou Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data Annals of Statistics, 2006
4 Ke Xu A Kernel-Based Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Model for Nowcasting Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2005
3 Yong Zhou Nonparametric estimation for structural change in volatility model for time series Journal of Econometrics, 2005
2 Yong Zhou Empirical likelihood-based semi-parametric inference of the treatment effect in the two-sample problem with censoring Biometrika, 2005
1 Jinhong You Bootstrap of a Semiparametric Partially Linear Model with  Autoregressive Errors. Statistical Sinica, 2005
International Journal (Tier 2)
211 Kang Rong、Qianfeng Tang、Yongchao Zhang The core of school choice problems Economic Theory, online
210 Gaoji Hu Optimal multiunit allocation with costly verification Social Choice and Welfare, 2023.9
209 Zequn Jin、Zhengyu Zhang、Yahong Zhou Identification and Inference in a Quantile Regression Discontinuity Design under Rank Similarity with Covariates Econometric Theory(accepted, 2023.6)
208 Xirong Lin Food demand and cash transfers: A collective household approach with Homescan data Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,2023.8
207 Tianran Dai、Nathan Schiff* The Structure and Growth of Ethnic Neighborhoods Journal of Urban Economics, (accepted, 2023.6)
206 Jun Yu Competitive targeted online advertising International Journal of Industrial Organization,2023.3
205 Youzhi Yang On the Pure Theory of Wage Dispersion Review of Economic Dynamics,2023.1
204 Cong Li Vaccination and Risky Behaviors: Evidence from the Hepatitis B Vaccination Campaign in China Journal of population economics(accepted,2023.1)
203 Xuan Zhao Cameralism in Practice and Prussian Industrialization Policies History of Political Economy(accepted, 2022.11)
202 Tianran Dai、Nathan Schiff* Delivery in the City: Differentiated Products Competition among New York Restaurants Journal of Urban Economics, (accepted, 2022.10)
201 Cuihong Fan Spying in Bertrand markets under incomplete information: Who benefits and is it stable? Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2022.11
200 Huaxia Zeng Probabilistic Fixed Ballot Rules and Hybrid Domains Journal of Mathematical Economics, (published online, 2022.2)
199 Bingyong Zheng The selection effect of quota rationing mechanisms on sales distribution: The convergence of auction and lottery Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,2022.8
198 Zhengyu Zhang、Zequn Jin Identification and estimation in a correlated random coefficients transformation model Econometric Theory,2022.8
197 Chao Yang QML and efficient GMM estimation of spatial autoregressive models with dominant (popular) units Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (published online, 2022.5)
196 Wangyang Lai Air pollution and cognitive function: evidence from straw burning in China American Journal of Agricultural Economics (published online, 2021.5)
195 Zhe Yang A weak α-core existence theorem of games with nonordered preferences and a continuum of agents Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2021.5
194 Tongbin Zhang Stock Prices and the Risk-free Rate: An Internal Rationality Appproach Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2021.3
193 Yan Zhang Natural resource exports and Africancountries’ voting behaviour in the UnitedNations: Evidence from the economic rise ofChina Canadian Journal of Economic, ,(accepted, 2021.2)
192 Qianfeng Tang、Yongchao Zhang Weak stability and Pareto efficiency in school choice Economic Theory, 2021.2
191 Zhe Yang The weak α-core of exchange economies with a continuum of players and pseudo-utilities Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020.12
190 Qian Li Welfare implications of switching to consumption taxation Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2020.11
189 Lei Qiao Monte Carlo sampling processes and incentive compatible allocations in large economies Economic Theory,2021.4
188 Jingyi Zhang Shadow banking and optimal capital requirements Review of Economic Dynamics,2020.10
187 Sambuddha Ghosh(葛森)* Prior-free online mechanisms for queueing with arrivals Economic Theory, 2021.9
186 Yahong Zhou Semiparametric estimation of a censored regression model subject to nonparametric sample selection Journal of Business & Economic Statistics(published online, 2020.7)
185 Dawen Meng The competitive and welfare effects of long-term contracts with network externalities and bounded rationality Economic Theory, 2021.7
184 Bingyong Zheng Corruption and Investment: Theory and Evidence from China Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,2020.5
183 Kang Rong The gambling effect of final-offer arbitration in bargaining Economic Theory,2020.3
182 Kang Rong Random-settlement arbitration and the generalized Nash solution: one-shot and infinite-horizon cases Economic Theory,2019.7
181 Youzhi Yang Optimal Self-Enforcement and Termination Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2019.4
180 Darong Dai Health Investment over the Life-Cycle Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019.1
179 Jijun Xia Procurement auctions under quality manipulation corruption European Economic Review, 2019.1
178 Simin He Minority Advantage and Disadvantage in Competition and Coordination Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019.7
177 Zhe Yang Some generalizations of Zhao’s theorem Hybrid solutions and weak hybrid solutions for games with nonordered preferences Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2019.10
176 Xin Jin Bayesian Parametric and Semiparametric Factor Models for Large Realized Covariance Matrices Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2019.8
175 Yuanyuan Chen The effect of primary school type on the high school opportunities of migrant children in China Journal of Comparative Economics,2020.6
174 Mingming Ma* Does children's education matter for parents’ health and cognition? Evidence from China Journal of Health Economics,2019.07
173 Huaxia Zeng Random Assignments on Preference Domains with a Tier Structure Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2019.10
172 Cuihong Fan Optimal licensing of technology in the face of (asymmetric) competition International Journal of Industrial Organization,2018.7
171 Zhe Yang Some generalizations of Kajii′s theorem to games with infinitely many players Journal of Mathematical Economics,2018
170 Kang Rong Unbounded Returns and the Possibility of Credit Rationing: A Note on the Stiglitz-Weiss and Arnold-Riley Models Journal of Mathematical Economics,2018.3
169 Xin Deng Mutual fund herding and stock price crashes Journal of Banking and Finance, 2018.7
168 Jinqiang Yang Ambiguity sharing and the lack of relative performance evaluation Economic Theory, 2018.5
167 Beibei Shen Managerial Risk-Taking Incentives and Merger Decisions Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2018.4
166 Kang Rong Random-Settlement Arbitration and the Generalized Nash Solution: One-Shot and Infinite Horizon Cases Economic Theory,2018.3
165 Mengyun Wu Identifying gene-gene interactions using penalized tensor regression Statistics in Medicince, 2018.1
164 Yong Zhou Variable screening for ultrahigh dimensional heterogeneous data via conditional quantile correlations Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2018.1
163 Zhiyuan Zhang Stochastic Volatility Models based on OU-Gamma Time Change: Theory and Estimation Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2018.1
162 Bingyong Zheng Job Search under Asymmetric Information: Endogenous Wage Dispersion and Unemployment Stigma Economic Theory,2018.1
161 Yan Zhang Chinese Import Competition, Crime, and Government Transfers in US Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018.6
160 Dongming Zhu Goodness-of-Fit Test in Multivariate Jump Diffusion Models Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2019.4
159 Cuihong Fan Optimal Licensing under Incomplete Information: the Case of Inside Patent Holder Economic Theory, 2018.12
158 Hanghui Zhang、Yahong Zhou Root-N Consistent Estimation of A Panel Data Binary Response Model with Unknown Correlated Random Effects Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2017.10
157 Yuanyuan Chen Informal Search, Bad Search?: The Effects of Job Search Method on Wages among Rural Migrants in Urban China Journal of Population Economics,2018.5
156 Lei Ning、Dongming Zhu Human Capital and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019.5
155 Lei Ning Health Investment over the Life-Cycle Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019.1
154 Bin Miao Probabilistic Social Preference: How Machina's Mum Randomizes her Choice Economic Theory, 2018.1
153 Tao Huang General covariate-adaptive randomization targeting unequal allocation ratio Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2017.12
152 Zhe Yang Some Infinite-player Generalizations of Scarf's Theorem:Finite-coalition α-cores and Weak α-cores Journal of Mathematical Economics,2017.12
151 Wangyang Lai Pesticide use and health outcomes: evidence from agricultural water pollution in China Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,2017.11
150 Wenge Zhu Wanting robustness in insurance Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2017.11
149 Jianhua Hu On the Oracle property of a Generalized Adaptive Elastic-net for Multivariate Linear Regression with a Diverging Number of Parameters Journal of Multivariate Analysis,2017.11
148 Guiqin Zhao Cash holdings between public and private insurers ‒ a partial adjustment approach Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017.10
147 Zhengyu Zhang Local Partitioned Quantile Regression Econometric Theory, 2017.10
146 Jizhang Huang、Fei Pan On the Association between Current Period Budget Target Achievability and the Properties of Nonfinancial Measures Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2017.8
145 Sirong Luo A Technical Note on the Dynamic Nonstationary Inventory-Pricing Control Model with Lost Sale International Journal of Production Research, 2017.8
144 Zhengyi Zhou Government ownership and exposure to political uncertainty: Evidence from China Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017.8
143 Xudong Zeng Non-zero-sum stochastic differential reinsurance and investment games with default risk European Journal of Operational Research, 2017.7
142 Yuanyuan Chen Quality of Migrant Schools in China: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Shanghai Journal of Population Economics, 2017.7
141 Jun Huang Institutional determinants of vertical integration in China Journal of Corporate Finance, 2017.6
140 Zhenxing Huang Measuring Ambiguity Attitude: (Extended) Multiplier Preferences for the American and the Dutch Population Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,2017.6
139 Haoyu Xu Investor Attrition and Fund Flows in Mutual Funds Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017.6
138 Yong Zhou Improve Efficiency and Reduce Bias of Cox Regression Models for Two-Stage Randomization Designs Using Auxiliary Covariates Statistics in Medicince, 2017.5
137 Jinhong You Estimation and Model Identification of Longitudinal Data Time-varying Nonparametric Models Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2017.4
136 Xiangyu Cui Mean-Variance Policy for Discrete-time Cone-Constrained Markets: Time Consistency in Efficiency and the Minimum-Variance Signed Supermaringale Measure Mathematical Finance, 2017.3
135 Xiangyu Cui Self-coordination in time inconsistent stochastic decision problems: A planner-doer game framework Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2017.2
134 Jianhua Hu、Jinhong You Improved Estimation of Fixed Effects Panel Data Partially Linear Models with Heteroscedastic Errors Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2017.2
133 Min Tang Institutionalizing from the Middle: the Impacts of Provincial Legislation on Rural Grassroots Democracy in China Studies in Comparative and International Development, 2017.7
132 Jie Chen Incentive or Selection? A New Investigation of Local Leaders’ Political Turnover in China Social Science Quarterly, 2017.3
131 Min Tang Contingent Instrumental and Intrinsic Support: Exploring Regime Support in Asia Political Studies, 2017.3
130 Longzeng Wu Perceptions of Negative Workplace Gossip: A Self-Consistency Theory Framework Journal of Management, 2018.5
129 Ho Kwong Kwan The effect of workplace negative gossip on employee proactive behavior in China: The moderating role of traditionality Journal of Business Ethics, 2018.4
128 Weihe Gao How does influence strategy work? The moderating role of cognitive institutional profile and mediating role of commitment Industrial Marketing Management, 2018.1
127 Ho Kwong Kwan Configuring challenge and hindrance contexts for introversion and creativity: Joint effects of task complexity and guanxi management Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2017.12
126 Liguo Song Fair pay dispersion: A regulatory focus theory view Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2017.12
125 Ho Kwong Kwan Revenge exacerbates the effects of interpersonal problems on mentors’ emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict: A self-defeating perspective Human Resource Management, 2017.9
124 Wei Li Elastic Attention, Risk Sharing, and International Comovements Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2017.6
123 Yahua Cai Dual-level Transformational Leadership and Team Information Elaboration: The Mediating Role of Relationship Conflict and Moderating Role of Middle-Way Thinking Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2017.5
122 Jiaping Xie Coordination Contracts of Dual-channel with Cooperation Advertising in Closed-loop Supply Chains International Journal of Production Economics, 2017.2
121 Yannan Jin Interaction between channel strategy and store brand decisions European Journal of Operational Research, 2017.2
120 Zhe Yang Further Results on Structural Stability and Robustness to Bounded Rationality Journal of Mathematical Economics,2016.12
119 Liguo Lin Location Choice of FDI Firms and Environmental Regulation Reforms in China Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2016.10
118 Ninghua Du In-group Favoritism and Moral Decision-making Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016.8
117 Min Zhang Effects of Extended Unemployment Insurance Benefits on Labor Dynamics Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2016.7
116 Zhengyu Zhang Semiparametric estimation of partially linear transformation models under conditional quantile restriction Econometric Theory, 2016.4
115 Zhe Li Emission taxes and standards in a general equilibrium with entry and exit Journal of Economic Dynamics&Control, 2015.12
114 Kang Rong Bargaining with split-the-difference arbitration Social Choice and Welfare, 2015.9
113 Can Tian Riskiness,Endogenous Productivit Dispersion and Business Cycles Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2015.8
112 Qianfeng Tang Hierarchies of Beliefs and the Belief-invariant Bayesian Solution Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2015.8
111 Jinhong You SCAD-penalized regression for varying coefficient models with autoregressive errors Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2015.5
110 Yongchao ZhangPure-strategy Nash equilibria in nonatomic games with infinite-dimensional action spaces Economic Theory, 2015.1
109 Liping Zhu Robust inverse regression for dimension reduction Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2015
108 Huiping Zhang The illiquidity premium: International Evidence Journal of Financial Economics, 2015.8
107 Kang Rong Proportional Individual Rationality and the Provision of a Public Good in a Large Economy Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2014
106 Sisi ZhangWage Shocks, Household Labor Supply, and Income Instability Journal of Population Economics, 2014
105 Sisi ZhangDisparities in Wealth Accumulation and Loss from the Great Recession and Beyond AER Papers and Proceedings, 2014
104 Dongming Zhu The information content of analyst recommendation revisions — Evidence from the Chinese stock market Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014
103 Xiaolan Zhou Collusion or Competition? Interfirm Relationships in the Chinese Auto Industry Journal of Industrial Economics, 2014
102 Yongchao ZhangOn the existence of pure-strategy equilibria in games with private information: A complete characterization Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2014
101 Jianhua Hu、Jinhong You Panel data partially linear model with fixed effects, spatial autoregressive error components and unspecified intertemporal correlation Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014
100 Mian Huang General directional regression Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014
99 Mian Huang Estimating Mixture of Gaussian Processes by Kernel Smoothing Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2014
98 Jianhua Hu Model determination and estimation for the growth curve model via group SCAD penalty Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014
97 Jinhong You Asymptotic Theory In Fixed Effects Panel Data Seemingly Unrelated Partially Linear Regression Models Econometric Theory, 2014
96 Jinhong You Signi_cant Variable Selection and Autoregressive Order Determination for Time Series Partially Linear Models Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2014
95 Haibing Zhao Weighted p-value procedures for controlling FDR of grouped hypotheses Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2014
94 Haichun Ye Does Inflation Targeting Help Reduce Financial Dollarization? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013
93 Feng Liu Excise tax avoidance: The case of state cigarette taxes Journal of Health Economics, 2013
92 Ninghua Du、Lan Yao Promises in Contract Design European Economic Review, 2013
91 Zhiyuan Li Task Offshoring and Organizational Form: Theory and Evidence from China Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2013
89 Angus C. Chu Money and the Welfare Cost of Inflation in an R&D Growth Model Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013
88 Xin Jin Modelling Realized Covariances and Returns Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2013
87 Ninghua Du Strategic Delegation in an Experimental Mixed Duopoly Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2013
86 Desheng Ouyang Categorical semiparametric varying-coefficient models Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2013
85 Xiaojuan Hu Information Acquisition and Welfare Effect in a Model of Competitive Financial Markets Economic Theory, 2013
84 King King Li Asymmetric Memory Recall of Positive and Negative Events in Social Interactions Experimental Economics, 2013
83 Yanping Yi Uniform Inference in Predictive Regression Models Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2013.10
82 HuiPing Zhang Limit order book and commonality in liquidity Financial Review, 2013
81 Ling Feng Taste Shocks, Endogenous Labor Supply and Equity Home Bias Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2013
80 Jie Zhu Predicting stock returns: A regime-switching combination approach and economics links Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013
79 Jinqiang Yang The economics of hedge funds Journal of Financial Economics, 2013
78 Xin Deng Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder value maximization: Evidence from mergers Journal of Financial Economics, 2013
77 Qiang LiLanguage and urban labor market segmentation: Theory and evidence Journal of Urban Economics, 2013
76 Shan Zhao Financial Development, Government Ownership of Banks, and Firm Innovation Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012
75 Angus C. Chu Global Poverty Reduction and Pareto-Improving Redistribution Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2012
74 Angus C. Chu Endogenous Fertility and Human Capital in a Schumpeterian Growth Model Journal of Population Economics, 2012
73 Angus C. Chu Does Intellectual Monopoly Stimulate or Stifle Innovation? European Economic Review, 2012
72 Hui He What Drives the Skill Premium: Technological Change or Demographic Variation? European Economic Review, 2012
70 Cong Li A Smooth Nonparametric Conditional Density Test for Categorical Responses Econometric Theory, 2012
69 Min Zhang Labor Market Cycles, Unemployment Insurance Eligibility, and Moral Hazard Review of Economic Dynamics, 2012
68 Angus C. Chu Fiscal Centralization versus Decentralization: Growth and Welfare Effects of Spillovers, Leviathan Taxation, and Capital Mobility Journal of Urban Economics, 2012
67 Lanfang Wang Financial development and economic growth: Recent evidence from China Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012
66 Jianhua Hu Estimation of parameters in the growth curve model via an outer product least squares approach for covariance Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2012
65 Jianhua Hu Estimation of parameters in a generalized GMANOVA model based on an outer product analogy and least squares Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2012
64 An, Zhiyong Taxation and Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in China Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012
63 ShaoJia Cai Option Trading: Information or Differences of Opinion? Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012
62 Jinqiang Yang A unified model of entrepreneurship dynamics Journal of Financial Economics, 2012
60 Angus C. Chu The Escape-Infringement Effect of Blocking Patents on Innovation and Economic Growth Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2011
58 Angus C. Chu On the Optimal Mix of Patent Instruments Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2011
56 Haichun Ye The role of financial development in exchange rate regime choices Journal of International Money and Finance, 2011
55 Dongming Zhu Modelling and forecasting expected shortfall with the generalized asymmetric Student-t and asymmetric exponential power distributions Journal of Empirical Finance, 2011
54 Angus C. Chu The welfare cost of one-size-fits-all patent protection Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2011
53 Jianhua Hu、Jinhong You Estimation for an additive growth curve model with orthogonal design matrices Bernoulli, 2011
52 Yong Zhou Distribution Estimation with Auxiliary Information for Missing Data Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2011
51 Jinhong You、Yong Zhou Statistical inference using a weighted difference-based series approach for partially linear regression models Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2011
50 Jinhong You A partially linear regression model for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 2011
49 Zhen Wang Where Did All the Dollars Go? The Effect of Cash Flows on Capital and Asset Structure Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2011
47 Xudong Zeng Optimal Non-proportional Reinsurance Control and Stochastic Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2011
46 Jianjun Niu Earnings management and the accrual anomaly: evidence from China Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 2011
45 Zengquan Li、Sun Zheng Rent-seeking incentives, corporate political connections, and the control structure of private firms: Chinese evidence Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011
44 Sun Zheng、Song Tang Government intervention and investment efficiency: Evidence from China Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011
43 Langfang Wang Cross-Border Venture Capital Performance: Evidence from China Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2011
42 Lingfang Li Reputation,Trust,and Rebates: How Online Auction Markets Can Improve Their Feedback Systems Journal of Economics &Management Strategy, 2010
41 Guan Gong Evaluating the Advanced Life Deferred Annuity – An Annuity People Might Actually Buy Insurance:Mathematics and Economics, 2010
40 Yang Bai Weighted empirical likelihood for generalized linear models with longitudinal data Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010
39 Jinhong You Statistical inference for panel data semiparametric partially linear regression models with heteroscedastic errors Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2010
38 Yihong Jiang The Role of International Financial Reporting Standards in Accounting Quality:Evidence from the European Union Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 2010
37 Lei Lu Asset Pricing and Welfare Analysis with Bounded Rational Investors Financial Review, 2010
36 Zhongzhi He Dynamic Factors and Asset Pricing Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2010
34 Angus C. Chu Effects of Blocking Patents on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis Journal of Economic Growth, 2009
31 Jimmy Chan Media as Watchdogs: The Role of News Media in Electoral Competition European Economic Review, 2009
30 Desheng Ouyang Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Functions with Discrete Regressors Econometric Theory, 2009
29 Jinhong You Partially Linear Models and Polynomial Spline Approximations for the Analysis of Unbalanced Panel Data Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2009
28 Jinhong You Inference on a Regression Model with Noised Variables and Serially Correlated Errors Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009
27 Yang Bai Penalized quadratic inference functions for single-index models with longitudinal data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009
26 Ning Sun Competitive Outcomes and Endogenous Coalition Formation in an N-Person Game Journal of Mathematical Economic, 2008
25 Guan Gong Mortality heterogeneity and the distributional consequences of mandatory annuitization The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2008
24 Mingheng Zhang Modelling total tail dependence along diagonals Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2008
23 Lingfang Li Sen’s theorem: Geometric Proof, New Interpretations Social Choice and Welfare, 2008
22 Yongge Tian Some properties of projectors associated with the WLSE under a general linear model Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2008
21 Jinhong You Weighted Difference-based Approach for Semilinear In-Slide Regression Model Journal of multivariate Analysis, 2008
20 Jinhong You A two-stage approach to semilinear in-slide models Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2008
19 Jianhua Hu Wishartness and independence of matrix quadratic forms in a normal random matrix Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2008
18 Jianhua Hu Asymptotic normality and consistency of a two-stage generalized least squares estimator in the growth curve model Bernoulli, 2008
17 Shaoli Wang Consistency and asymptotic distribution of the Theil-Sen estimator Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2008
15 Ling Shen When will a Dictator Be Good?Economic Theory, 2007
14 Hanming Fang Testing the Mechanisms of Structural Models: The Case of the Mickey Mantle Effect AER Papers and Proceedings, 2007
13 Haibin Zhao Compare several treatments with a control Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007
12 Ke Xu Estimation of parameterized spatio-temporal dynamical models Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007
11 Yong Zhou Local likelihood with time-varying additive hazards model Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2007
10 Jinhong You Statistical Inference of Partially Linear Regression Models with Heteroscedastic Errors Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2007
9 Yebin Chen On the uth geometric conditional quantile Journal of  Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007
8 Jizhong Zhou The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries: A Multinational Panel Analysis Journal of International Money and Finance, 2007
6 Ning Sun Quasi-equilibria in Banach spaces with lower semi-continuous preference Economic Theory, 2006
5 Yongge Tian Partially superfluous observations Econometric Theory, 2006
4 Yong Zhou Block empirical likelihood for longitudinal partially linear regression models Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2006
3 Yong Zhou Corrected Local Polynomial Estimation in Varying Coefficient Models with Measurement Errors Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2006
1 Jizhong Zhou The determination of capital controls: Which role do exchange rate regimes play? Journal of Banking and Finance, 2005
International Journal (Tier 3 )
203 Lan Yao Group lying with negative externality Frontiers of Economics in China(accepted,2023.6)
202 Cuihong Fan Price leadership, spying, and secret price changes: a Stackelberg game with imperfect commitment International Journal of Game Theory(online,2023.5)
201 Feng Huang The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Related Policy Responses on Non-COVID-19 Healthcare Utilization in China Health Economics,2023.3
200 Yan Zhang,Lin Zhao Export creation of the Belt and Road Initiative:'Give-them-a-fish' or 'Teach-them-to-fish' Frontiers of Economics in China,2022.12
199 Zhengyu Zhang Interpreting the coefficients in dynamic two-way fixed effects regressions with time-varying covariates Economics Letters,2022.7
198 Yan Zhang,Lin Zhao Export Creation of the Belt and Road Initiative:“Give-Them-a-Fish” or “Teach-Them-to-Fish”? Frontiers of Economics in China2022.12
197 Zhengyu Zhang Identification and estimation in a heteroscedastic censored regression model with random coefficients Economic Modelling,2022.5
196 Zhe Yang A weak α-core existence theorem of generalized games with infinitely many players and pseudo-utilities Mathematical Social Sciences,2022.3
195 Fang Wang Social pensions and risky financial asset holding in China Applied Economics(published online, 2021.12)  
194 Jian Zhou Analysis of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Modes and Effects Frontiers of Economics in China,(accepted,2021.12)
193 Zhe Li How Much Between-Group Wage Gaps Can be Explained by Talent Allocation Frictions in China? Frontiers of Economics in China, (accepted,2021.10)
192 Daqing Luo Monetary policy uncertainty and bank leverage: Evidence from China Economics Letters, 2021.4
191 Rongsheng Tang Educational mismatch and income inequality Economic Modelling, 2021.5
190 Wangyang Lai Air pollution and brain drain: Evidence from college graduates in China China Economic Review,2021.5
189 Darong Dai Toward Longer Investment: Is an inclusive regime always better than an authoritarian one? Economic Modelling, 2021.2
188 Zhengyu Zhang、Yahong Zhou Time-varying Individual Effects in a Panel Data Probit Model with an Application to Female Labor Force Participation Economic Modelling,2021.1
187 Yan Zhang、Lin Zhao China's Exports during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Frontiers of Economics in China,2020.12
186 Zhe Li Lending Competition and Loan Sales: A Macroeconomic Analysis under Directed Search Economic Inquiry, 2021.4
185 Jiawen Xu Forecasting U.S. Yield Curve Using the Dynamic Nelson–Siegel Model withRandom Level Shift Parameters Economic Modelling, 2020.10
184 Yuanyuan Chen Tuition Fees of Higher Education and Intergenerational Mobility in China Frontiers of Economics in China,2020.9
183 Darong Dai Inter-jurisdiction migration and the fiscal policies of local governments Journal of Economics, 2021.3
182 Lu Liu Occupational attainment and stratification in China: The interactive effects of social networks and the hukou system Review of Development Economics,2020.8
181 Hanghui Zhang Semiparametric identification and estimation of discrete choice models for bundles Economics Letters,2020.8
180 Qian Li The Dynamic Effects of Consumption Tax Reform with Durable Consumption The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020.6
179 Lei Ning、Yuqin Wang The Dynamic Effects of Consumption Tax Reform with Durable Consumption The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020.6
178 Zixi Liu Promote Competitive Neutrality to Facilitate China's Economic Development: Outlook, Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation—A Summary of the Annual SUFE Macroeconomic Report (2019–2020) Frontiers of Economics in China,2020.4
177 Lin Zhao Why the effects of oil price shocks on China's economy are changing Energy Journal, 2020.11
176 Qiang Chen The economic sources of China's CSI 300 spot and futures volatilities before and after the 2015 stock market crisis International Review of Economics & Finance,2019.11
175 Qiang Chen A Nonparametric Specification Test for the Volatility Functions of Diffusion Processes Econometric Reviews, 2019.5
174 Lan Yao Reference Dependent Preference and Labor Supply: Evidence from China Frontiers of Economics in China, 2019.6
173 Yuanyuan Chen Research on the education of migrant children in China: A review of the literature Frontiers of Economics in China, 2019.6
172 Yuanyuan Chen The education of migrant children in China′s urban public elementary schools: Evidence from Shanghai China Economic Review, 2019.4
171 Yuqin Wang Tackle China’s Economic Complexities by Deepening Reform and Opening Up: Macroeconomic Outlook, Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation—A Summary of the Annual SUFE Macroeconomic Report (2018–2019) Frontiers of Economics in China, 2019.4
170 Zhe Yang NTU core, TU core and strong equilibria of coalitional population games with infinitely many pure strategies Theory and Decision, 2019.9
169 Kai Yang Identification and estimation of spatial dynamic panel simultaneous equations models Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2019.5
168 Yan Zhang The Effect of Land Reallocation on Off-Farm Employments in Rural China Frontiers of Economics in China 2019.9
167 Xin Jin A Bayesian Nonparametric Investigation of the Predictive Effect of Exchange Rates on Commodity Prices Frontiers of Economics in China, 2020.6
166 Chen Chen The Effect of the Second Child on the Anthropometric Outcomes and Nutrition Intakes of the First Child: Evidence from the Relaxation of One-Child Policy in Rural China B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2020.1
165 Fang Wang、Hongzhong Yan The Transition of Thoughts on Grain Control in the Qing Dynasty: A Survey of the Great Debate on the Ever-Normal Granary and Grain Prices in 1748 Frontiers of Economics in China, 2020.4
164 Zhengyu Zhang Does renaming promote economic development? New evidence China Economic Review,2019.10
163 Darong Dai* Interregional redistribution and budget institutions with private information on intergenerational externality Review of Economic Design2019.07
162 Zhengyu Zhang  Identification and estimation in a linear correlated random coefficients model with censoring Econometric Reviews, 2019.12
161 Zhengyu Zhang Identification and estimation of a heteroscedastic binary choice model with endogenous dummy regressors Econometrics Journal,2018
160 Chao Yang Tobit models with social interactions: Complete vs Incomplete Information Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018.11
159 Fei Jin Outer-product-of-gradients tests for spatial autoregressive models Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018.9
158 Zhe Li Is risk shock a key factor driving business cycles in China The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics,2019.1
157 Yahong Zhou The impact of Green Building Label On Housing Price: Evidence from China Frontiers of Economics in China, 2018.12
156 Xiaoying Deng Real Estate Risk, Corporate Investment and Financing Choice Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018.5
155 Qingqing Zong Agricultural Roots in Intergenerational Transfers in China Frontiers of Economics in China, 2018.5
154 Xiaoying Deng Real Earnings Management, Liquidity and REITs SEO Dynamics Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018.4
153 Kuangkuang Deng Institutions and capital structure: the case of Chinese property firms Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018.4
152 Tao Huang Unsupervised learning of mixture regression models for longitudinal data Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2018.3
151 Miao Han Joint analysis of recurrent event data with additive–multiplicative hazards model for the terminal event time Metrika, 2018.3
150 Lei Ning Conquering China’s Unbalanced and Inadequate Development- Macroeconomic Outlook, Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation—A Summary of Annual SUFE Macroeconomic Report (2017–2018) Frontiers of Economics in China,2018.2
149 Jun Yu Bundling Decisions in Multi-Objects Auctions with Optimal Reserve Price Economics Letters, 2018.2
148 Miao Han A class of partially linear transformation models for recurrent gap times Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2018.1
147 Kang Rong Fair Allocation when Players' Preferences are Unknown Economic Inquiry, 2018.1
146 Jiawen Xu Modelling Exchange Rate Volatility with Random Level Shifts Applied Economics, 2017
145 Haibin Zhao Estimating false discovery proportion inmultiple comparison under dependency Communication in Statistics – Simulation & Computation, 2017.12
144 Gang Wang Fuzzy Correspondences Guided Gaussian Mixture Model for Point Set Registration Knowledge Based Systems, 2017.11
143 Zhiyuan Ma Estimating coefficients of single-index regression models by minimizing variation Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017.11
142 Haibin Zhao FDR control under block dependence Communication in Statistics – Simulation & Computation, 2017.11
141 Chunjie Wu Properties and enhancements of robust likelihood CUSUM control chart Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017.10
140 Dawen Meng、Zhe Yang Two-agent collusion proof implementation with arbitrage and correlations Review of Economic Design,2017.9 ,
139 Qian Li The implication of subsistence consumption for economic welfare Economics Letters,2017.9
138 Xiangyu Cui Better Than Pre-Committed Optimal Mean-Variance Policy in a Jump Diffusion Market Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2017.8
137 Jianhua Hu James-Stein estimation problem for a multivariate normal random matrix and an improved estimator Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2017.6
136 Yiping Wu Enforcement and Political Power in Anticorruption World Development, 2017.10
135 Yangyang Yu Trends in Elderly Health by Cohort: Evidence from China China Economic Review, 2017.7
134 Yibo Yang China under Uncertainty: Outlook, Counterfactual and Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation——A Summary of Annual Report(2016-2017) Frontiers of Economics in China, 2017.6
133 Lanfang Wang Buybacks as an Efficient Strategy for Venture Capital in Emerging Markets Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2017.3
132 Yang Bai Structural Identification and Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Varying-Coefficient Models Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2017.3
131 Xiaoneng Zhu Asset prices and economic fluctuations: The implications of stochastic volatility Economic Modelling, 2017.3
130 Yongchao Zhang Existence of Pure-Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games: A Sharpened Necessity Result International Journal of Game Theory, 2017.3
129 Jinqiang Yang Dynamic corporate investment and liquidity management under model uncertainty Economics Letters, 2017.3
128 Jinqiang Yang Idiosyncratic risk, the private benefits of control and investment timing Economics Letters, 2017.2
127 Feng Huang The Impacts of China's Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance on Healthcare Expenditures and Health Outcomes Health Economics, 2017.2
126 Jun Yu A Theory of Turnover and Wage Dynamics Economic Inquiry, 2017.1
125 Ho Kwong Kwan Emotional labor and family quality: The role of work-family positive spillover International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2018.6
124 Ho Kwong Kwan Effects of servant leadership on work-family balance in China Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2017.10
123 Xuehua Wang、Xiaoyu Wang Power distance belief and brand personality evaluations Journal of Business Research, 2018.3
122 Hang Wei Interaction of after-sales service provider and contract type in a supply chain International Journal of Production Economics, 2017.9
121 Jiaping Xie Optimizing capacity investment on renewable energy source supply chain Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017.8
120 Caixia Shen The Effects of Major U.S. Domestic Airline Code Sharing and Profit Sharing Rule Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2017.3
119 Xuehua Wang Consumer Susceptibility to Cross-Selling Persuasion: The Roles of Self-Construal and Interpersonal Harmony Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017.1
118 Weiming Li Testing the independence of two random vectors where only one dimension is large Statistics, 2017.1
117 Yong Zhou Efficiency of Estimators for Quantile Differencewith Left Truncated and Right Censored Data Statistics and Probability Letters, 2017.1
116 Jinhong You Semiparametric GMM Estimation and Variable Selection in Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2016.8
115 Cuihong Fan Optimal bid disclosure in patent license auctions under alternative modes of competition International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2016.7
114 Jinhong You A Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Additive Model with Autoregressive Errors Econometric Reviews, 2016.4
113 Zhenxing Huang The Property–Contract Balance Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2016.3
112 Guan Gong The Role of Returns to Scale in Measuring Frictions in Resource Economics Letters,2016.1
111 Liping Zhu Estimation and inference on central mean subspace for multivariate response data Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2015.12
110 Yanping Yi Is There a Structural Change in The Persistence of WTI–Brent Oil Price Spreads in The Post-2010 Period? Economic Modelling, 2015.11
109 Feng Huang A Simple Test for Private Information in Insurance Markets with Heterogeneous Insurance Demand Economics Letters, 2015.11
108 Zhengyu Zhang Identification and Estimation of Partially Linear Censored Regression Models with Unknown Heteroscedasticity Econometrics Journal, 2015.6
107 Zhujun Jiang The distributional impacts of removing energy subsidies in China China Economic Review, 2015.4
106 Haichun Ye Comparing the effectiveness of traditional vs. mechanized identification methods in post-sample forecasting for a macroeconomic Granger causality analysis International Journal of Forecasting, 2015.4
105 Myungkyu Shim* The Implication of Changes in Hours Fluctuations on Welfare Costs of Business CyclesEconomics Letters, 2015.3
104 Liping Zhu Connecting continuum regression with sufficient dimension reduction Statistics and Probability Letters, 2015.3
103 Cuihong Fan The Merger-paradox: A Tournament-based Solution Economics Letters,2015.2
102 Jianhua Hu Estimation of patterned covariance in the multivariate linear models: an outer product least-squares approach Statistics, 2015
101 Ji Tao A Social Interaction Model With An Extreme Order Statistic Econometrics Journal, 2014
100 Tak Wai ChauOn the equivalence of indirect inference and bootstrap bias correction for linear IV estimators Economics Letters, 2014
99 Yanping Yi Estimation of extreme value-at-risk: An EVT approach for quantile GARCH model Economics Letters, 2014
98 Liguo Lin Inspections and Information Disclosure:Quality Regulations with Incomplete Enforcement Frontiers of Economics in China, 2014
97 Jiawen Xu Forecasting return volatility: Level shifts with varying jump International Journal of Forecasting, 2014
96 Cuihong Fan Licensing a common value innovation when signaling strength may backfire International Journal of Game Theory, 2014
95 Xudong Chen The Nature and Avoidance of the 'Middle Income Trap' Frontiers of Economics in China, 2014
94 LiPing Zhu An iterative approach to distance correlation-based sure independence screening Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2014.10
93 LiPing Zhu Conditional median absolute deviation Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2014
92 Jinhong You Estimation of fixed effects panel data partially linear additive regression models Econometrics Journal, 2014
91 Haibing Zhao Two-sided Confidence Bands with the Inferential Sensitivity of One-Sided Bands Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2014
90 Haibing Zhao Adaptive FWER control procedure for grouped hypotheses Statistics and Probability Letters, 2014
89 Haichun Ye Current account adjustment in developing countries: the role of exchange rate regimesEconomic Inquiry, 2013
87 Dan Liu International trade and wage inequality: A non-monotonic relationship Economics Letters. 2013
86 Fei Jin Cox-type tests for competing spatial autoregressive models with spatial autoregressive disturbances Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013
85 Xiaolan Zhou Multimarket contact in Italian retail banking: Competition and welfar International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2013
84 Zhengyu Zhang Semiparametric estimation of a generalized threshold regression model under conditional quantile restriction Econometrics Journal, 2013
83 Zhiyuan Li The Effects of Globalization on the U.S. Labor Market: Service Sectors Considered World Economy, 2013
82 YuanYan chen、Shuaizhang Feng Access to Public Schools and the Education of Migrant Children in China China Econmic Review, 2013
81 Cuihong Fan Horizontal mergers with synergies: cash vs. profit-share auction International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2013
80 Hui He A Rapid Grid Search Method for Solving Dynamic Programming Problems in Economics Frontiers of Economics in China, 2013
79 Zhengyu Zhang An alternative simple quantile regression estimator Economics Letters, 2013
78 Zhengyu Zhang,Ji Tao Estimation of spatial autoregressive models with boundary specification problem Economics Letters, 2013
77 Kang Rong Impact of Second-Order Uncertainty on the Efficiency of the Bilateral 0.5-Double AuctionMathematical Social Sciences, 2013
76 Yongchao ZhangLarge distributional games with traits Economics Letters, 2013
75 Wenjie Ma Implied volatility smiles in the Nikkei 225 options Applied Financial Economics, 2013
74 Wei-Chih Chen The extensive and intensive margins of exports: the role of innovation World economy, 2013
73 Jun Zhang Revenue maximizing with return policy when buyers have uncertain valuations International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2013
72 Bei Zhang Heterogeneous Ambiguity Attitudes: a field experiment among small-scale stock holders in China Review of Economic Design, 2012
71 Zhengyu Zhang Estimation of heteroscedastic binary choice model with an endogenous dummy regressor Economics Letters, 2012
70 Haichun Ye What to target? Inflation or exchange rate Southern Economic Journal, 2012
69 Kang Rong An Axiomatic Approach to Arbitration and Its Application in Bargaining GamesThe B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Contributions tier), 2012
68 Dewei Zhou Intergenerational Income Mobility Revisited: Estimation with an Income Dynamic Model with Heterogeneous Age Profile Economics Letters, 2012
67 Haichun Ye On the Granger causality between median inflation and price dispersion Applied Economics, 2012
66 Shan Zhao When Bank Loans are Bad News: Market Reactions to Loan Announcements under the Risk of Expropriation Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2012
65 Angus C. Chu When does elastic labor supply cause an inverted-U effect of patents on innovation? Economics Letters, 2012
64 Ji Tao The spatial time lag in panel data models Economics Letters, 2012
63 Hui He A Note on a Rapid Grid Search Method for Solving Dynamic Programming Problems in Economics Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012
62 Bingyong Zheng A Theory of Mergers and Merger Waves Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012
61 Xia Li Statistical Discrimination and Gender Wage Gap: A Model Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012
60 Zhaoming Cui A Characterization for Dominant Strategy Implementation Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012
59 Wei-Chih Chen Innovation and duration of exports Economics Letters, 2012
58 Daqing Luo Organizational Capital and the International Co-movement of Investment Journal of Macroeconomics, 2011
57 Haichun Ye Understanding oil prices: How important is the China factor? Energy Journal, 2011
56 Angus C. Chu International Intellectual Property Rights: Effects on Growth, Welfare and Income Inequality Journal of Macroeconomics, 2011
55 Jinhong You Statistical Inference For Varying-Coefficient Models With Error-Prone Covariates Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 2011
54 Jinhong You Effcient Estimation for Error Component Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Regression Models Metrika, 2011
53 Qinglu Jin Agency problems and liquidity premium: Evidence from China's stock ownership reform International Review of Financial Analysis, 2011
52 Zhiliang Huang The Role of Private Information in Dynamic Matching and Bargaining: Can it Be Good for Efficiency? Economics  Letters, 2011
51 Bingyong Zheng Moral hazard, insurance claims, and repeated insurance contracts Canadian Journal of Economics, 2010
50 Ning Sun Bargaining Over Perfect Complements Owned Separately: With Experimental Test Economics Letters, 2010
49 Angus C. Chu Effects of Patent Policy on Income and Consumption Inequality in an R&D Growth Model Southern Economic Journal, 2010
48 Angus C. Chu Nation States vs. United Empire: Effects of Political Competition on Economic Growth Public Choice, 2010
47 Feng Liu Reduced Smoking and Rising Obesity: Does Smoking Ban in Workplace Matter? Economics Letters, 2010
46 Lingfang Li What Is the Cost of Venting? Evidence from eBay Economics Letters, 2010
45 Shuaizhang Feng Improving imputations of top incomes in the public-use Current Population Survey by using both cell-means and variances Economics Letters, 2010
44 Ling Shen Democracy vs. Dictatorship: Comparing the Evolution of Economic Growth under two political Regimes Economics of Transition, 2010
43 Angus C. Chu On R&D Spillovers, Multiple Equilibria and Indeterminacy Journal of Economics, 2010
42 Angus C. Chu Effects of Patent Length on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis Journal of Economics, 2010
41 Hongjun Zhong Buy Price Auction: A Distributional Approach Economics Letters, 2010
39 Jianhua Hu Properties of the explicit estimators in the extended growth curve model Statistics, 2010
38 Xiaoming Wang Variable selection via combined penalization for high-dimensional data analysis Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2010
37 Ying Chen An analysis of three-level orthogonal saturated designs Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2010
36 Jing Dong Corporate governance structure, managerial discretion, and the R&D investment in China International Review of Economics and Finance, 2010
34 Angus C. Chu A Politico-Economic Analysis of the European Union's R&D Policy Journal of Macroeconomics, 2009
32 Desheng Ouyang Nonparametric regression with weakly dependent data: the discrete and continuous regressor case Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2009
31 Feng Liu An Analysis of Life-Course Smoking Behavior in China Health Economics, 2009
30 Jimmy Chan The Distributional Consequences of Diversity-Enhancing University Admissions Rules Journal of Law , Economics &  organization, 2009
29 Shuaizhang Feng Using the P90/P10 Index to Measure US Inequality Trends with Current Population Survey Data: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults Review of Income and Wealth, 2009
28 Feng Liu Cutting through the Smoke: Separating the Effect of Price on Smoking Initiation, Relapse and Cessation Applied Economics, 2009
27 Yongge Tian On V-orthogonal projectors associated with a semi-norm Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2009
26 Yang Bai Robust empirical likelihood inference for longitudinal data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2009
25 Yebin Chen Bahadur representation for the nonparametric M-estimator under alpha-mixing Dependence. Statistics, 2009
24 Junji Xiao Markov Perfect Equilibrium in the US Digital Camera Market International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2008
23 Guan Gong K-nn Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Functions in the Presence of Irrelevant Variables Econometrics Journal, 2008
22 Yongge Tian On sum decompositions of weighted least-squares estimators for the partitioned linear model Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2008
21 Yahong Zhou Semiparametric estimation of a nonstationary panel data transformation model under symmetry Economics Letters, 2008
20 Cuihong Fan Procurement with Costly Bidding, Optimal Shortlisting, and Rebates Economics Letters, 2008
19 Yong Zhou Consistency and uniformly asymptotic normality of wavelet estimator in regression model with associated samples. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2008
18 Haibin Zhao Exact Tests in Panel Data Using Generalized p-Value Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2008
17 Jianhua Hu On the expressions of estimability in testing general linear hypotheses Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2008
16 Tak Wai Chau Testing the Collective Model of Household Labor Supply: Evidence from China China Economic Review, 2007
15 Daqing Luo Investment-Specific Shocks and External Balances in A Small-Open Economy Model Canadian Journal of Economics, 2007
14 Yongge Tian Some decompositions of OLSEs and BLUEs under a partitioned linear model International Statistical Review, 2007
13 Yongge Tian Estimation and optimal designs for linear Haar-wavelet models Metrika, 2007
12 Yongge Tian On constrained generalized inverses of matrices and their properties Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2007
11 Xiaoming Wang Exponential-Bound Property of Estimators and Variable Selection in Generalized Additive Models Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2007
10 Fei Pan The implementation of Activity -Based Costing in China: An innovation action research approach British Accounting Review, 2007
9 Desheng Ouyang Cross-Validation and Nonparametric K nearest neighbor Estimation Econometrics Journal, 2006
8 Ning Sun Bewley’s limiting approach to infinite dimensional economies with l.s.c. preferences Economics Letters, 2006
7 Yongge Tian A-minimax and D-minimax robust optimal designs for approximately linear Haar-Wavelet models Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2006
6 Yongge Tian On equality and proportionality of ordinary least-squares, weighted least-squares and best linear unbiased estimators in the general linear model Statistics & Probability Letters, 2006
5 Yong Zhou Empirical likelihood for semi-parametric varying coefficient partially linear regression models Statistics and Probability Letters, 2006
3 Desheng Ouyang Uniform Convergence Rate of Kernel Estimation with Mixed Categorical and  Continuous Data Economics Letters, 2005
1 Jizhong Zhou The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes: An Empirical Analysis for Transition Economies Economics of Transition, 2005
Other Journals (SCISSCIEI)
233 Mingming Ma Offspring Educational Attainment and Older Parents’ Cognition in Mexico Demography,2021.2
232 Zhe Yang Arbitrage, speculation and futures price fluctuations with boundedly rational and heterogeneous agents Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination,2020.9
231 Darong Dai Voting over selfishly optimal tax schedules: Can Pigouvian tax redistribute income? Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2020.9
230 Mingming Ma Height shrinkage, health and mortality among older adults: Evidence from Indonesia Economics & Human Biology, 2020.5
229 Darong Dai On the Efficiency of Wage-Setting Mechanisms with Search Frictions and Human Capital Investment Annals of Economics and Finance, 2020.5
228 Rongsheng Tang Uniqueness and Determinacy of the Romer (1990) Model Annals of Economics and Finance, 2020.5
227 Zhe Yang A coalitional extension of generalized fuzzy games Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2020.3
226 Zhe Yang Coalitional Equilibria in Coalitional Abstract Economies with Nonordered Preferences Journal of Systems Science & Complexity,2020.2
225 Guan Gong Shadow Banking Activities of Non-Financial State-Owned Enterprises and Financial Regulation in China Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, (accepted) 2020
224 Darong Dai Optimal Interregional Redistribution and Local Borrowing Rules under Migration and Asymmetric Information Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2019.12
223 Yuanyuan Chen Sensitivity of Self-Reported Non-Cognitive Skills to Survey Administration Conditions Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.12
222 Zhe Yang Existence of Weakly Cooperative Equilibria for Infinite-Leader-Infinite-Follower Games Journal of the Operations Research Society of China,2019.12
221 Yan Zhang Household Property Rights Formation in Rural China: Farmers′ Preference, Transaction Cost and the Efficiency Hypothesis Asian Economic Journal,2019.11
220 Zhe Yang Essential stability of cooperative equilibria for population games Optimization Letters,2019.10
219 Yuanyuan Chen Liquidity Constraint Shock, Job Search and Post Match Quality—Evidence from Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China Journal of Labor Research,2019.9
218 Zhe Yang Quantum repeated games with continuous-variable strategies Physics Letters A,2019.8
217 Feng Huang Impact of community based screening for hypertension on blood pressure after two years: regression discontinuity analysis in a national cohort of older adults in China Bmj-british Medical Journal,2019.7
216 Wangyang Lai The impact of indoor air pollution on health outcomes and cognitive abilities: empirical evidence from China Population and Environment,2019.6
215 Darong Dai Patent protection in the South: Is there a case for nondiscrimination? Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2019.7
214 Darong Dai Two Differential Games between Rent-Seeking Politicians and Capitalists: Implications for Economic Growth International Game Theory Review, 2018.8
213 Kai Zhu The effect of non-recurring items on analysts’ earnings forecasts China Journal of Accounting Research, 2018.3
212 Jizhang Huang Management accountants in mainland China and Taiwan The Role of the Management Accountants, 2018.1
211 Xunxiao Wang Asymmetric volatility spillovers between crude oil and international financial markets Energy Economics, 2018.8
210 Yong Zhou On the convergence rates of kernel estimator and hazard estimator for widely dependent samples Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2018.4
209 Jianhua Hu A group adaptive elastic-net approach for variable selection in high-dimensional linear regression Science China-Mathematics, 2018.1
208 Zhengyi Zhou Housing market sentiment and intervention effectiveness: Evidence from China Emerging Markets Review, 2018.6
207 Sumei Luo Financial Security and Optimal Scale of Foreign Exchange Reserve in China Sustainability, 2018.5
206 Sumei Luo Financial Structure and Financing Constraints:Evidence on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China Sustainability, 2018.5
205 Sumei Luo P2P Network Lending, Loss Given Default and Credit Risks Sustainability, 2018.3
204 Sumei Luo Practice and Exploration on Teaching Reform of Engineering Project Management Course in Universities Based on BIM Simulation Technology Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 2018.2
203 Yi Dong Analyst Firm Coverage and Forecast Accuracy: The Effect of Regulation Fair Disclosure Abacus-A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies, 2017.11
202 Yang Bai Semiparametric statistical inferences for longitudinal data with nonparametric covariance modelling Statistics, 2017.10
201 Mengyun Wu Assisted clustering of gene expression data using ANCut BMC Genomics, 2017.8
200 Jie Wu How Can China Achieve Its Nationally Determined Contribution Targets Combining Emissions Trading Scheme and Renewable Energy Policies? Energies, 2017.8
199 Mengyun Wu Accommodating missingness in environmental measurements in gene-environment interaction analysis Genetic Epidemiology, 2017.6
198 Yong Zhou Power-transformed linear quantile regression estimation for censored competing risks data Statistics and Its Interface, 2017.6
197 Gang Wang Robust Non-rigid Point Set Registration Using Spatially Constrained Gaussian Fields IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017.4
196 Yong Zhou Analyzing the general biased data by additive risk model Science China-Mathematics, 2017.4
195 Ning Chang Decoupling the lock-in effect between economic growth and CO2 emissions by structure adjustment: A final demand perspective Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.3
194 Xu Liu Generalized partially linear varying multi-index coefficient model for gene-environment interactions Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2017.3
193 Sirong Luo Stochastic inventory system with lead time flexibility: offered by a manufacturer/transporter Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2017.2
192 Xingdong Feng Robust low-rank data matrix approximations Science China-Mathematics, 2017.2
191 Ming Zhong The nexus between military expenditures and economic growth in the BRICS and the US Defence and Peace Economics, 2017.10
190 Dehuan Jin A mathematical model of enterprise credit venture evaluation mechanism based on entropy weighting method Boletín Técnico, 2017.9
189 Ling Feng Do Capital Flows Matter to Stock and House Prices? Evidence from China Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017.8
188 Jinqiang Yang Real option with liquidity constraints under secondary debt illiquidity risk market Finance Research Letters, 2017.5
187 Jinqiang Yang Optimal capital structure and credit spread under incomplete information International Review of Economics & Finance, 2017.3
186 Jinqiang Yang Real option with liquidity constraints under secondary debt Finance Research Letters, 2017.2
185 Jinqiang Yang Financing constraints and the use of performance-sensitive debt North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2017.2
184 Naihong Hu The Role of Comprehensive Information Sharing in Credit Market:TheoreticalAnalysisandNew Evidence Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2017.2
183 Nathan Schiff*Cities and Product Variety: Evidence from Restaurants Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming
182 Zhongjun Tian Valuing Product Mix as an Option: Investment, Commitment, Production and Pricing. Production and Operations Management Production and Operations Management, accepted
181 Xin He Moral Hazard Contracting and Credit Rationing in Opaque Credit Markets Journal of European Economy, forthcoming
180 Bo Chen A Model of Chinese Brain Drain and Circulation Southwest Journal of Economics, forthcoming
179 Run Liang Health Insurance, Market Power, and Social Welfare International Journal of Economic Theory,2017.11
178 Zhe Yang,Dawen Meng Hadamard Well-posedness of the α-core Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2017.8
177 Zhe Yang Equivalence Results between Nash Equilibrium Theorem and Some Fixed Point Theorems Fixed Point Theory and Applications,2016.12
176 Zhe Yang Existence and Generic Stability of Cooperative Equilibria for Multi-leader-multi-follower Games Journal of Global Optimization,2016.7
175 Lin Zhao The Effects of Oil Price Shocks on Output and Inflation in China Energy Economics, 2016.1
174 Yan Chen A hybrid stock trading system using genetic network programming and European Journal of Operational Research, 2015
173 Zhe Yang On the existence and stability of solutions of a mixed general type of variational relation problems Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014
172 Zhe Yang Some generalizations of common fixed point problems with applications Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014
171 Zhe Yang Some new generalizations of nonempty intersection theorems without convexity assumptions and essential stability of their solution set with applications Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014
170 Zhe Yang Stable Analysis of Solution Set for System of Quasivariational Relations with Applications Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014
169 Zhe Yang On existence and essential stability of solutions of symmetric variational relation problems Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014
168 Zhujun Jiang Distributional effects of a carbon tax on Chinese households: A case of Shanghai Energy Policy, 2014
167 Zhujun Jiang The perverse fossil fuel subsidies in ChinadThe scale and effects Energy, 2014
166 Liguo Lin China Provincial Industrial Pollution: the Role of Technical Efficiency, Pollution Levy, and Pollution Quantity Control Environment and Development Economics, 2014
165 Chunyang Tong pricing and operational performance of discretionary service Production and Operations Management, 2014
164 Zhengyu Zhang A pairwise difference estimator for partially linear spatial autoregressive modelsSpatial Economic Analysis, 2013
163 Ninghua Du,Lingfang Li Can online trading survive bad-mouthing? An experimental investigation Decision Support Systems, 2013
162 Yahong Zhou Semi-parametric estimation for the Box-Cox tr Semi-parametric estimation for the Box-Cox transformation model with partially linear structure Science China(Mathematics), 2013
161 Liguo Lin Does International Economic Integration Lead to Cleaner Production in China? Production and Operations Management, 2013
160 Zhujun Jiang How the Removal of Energy Subsidy Affects General Price in China: A Study Based on Input-output Model Energy Policy, 2013
158 Zhijun Chen A Social Information Processing Perspective of Coworker Influence on a Focal Employee Organization Science, 2013
157 Wenbin Wang Dynamic Capacity Investment with Two Competing Technologies Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2013
156 Bo Chen Trade Variety and Productivity in Canada Review development economics, 2013
155 Xiaohua Bao,Wei-Chih Chen The Impacts of Technical Barriers to Trade on Different Components of International Trade Review development economics, 2013
154 An, Zhiyong Private Property Rights, Investment Patterns, and Asset Structure Economics & Politics, 2013
153 GuangYuan Hu Tracing the footprint of knowledge spillover: Evidence from U.S.-China Collaboration in Nanotechnology Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2013
152 Angus C. Chu On the Growth and Welfare Effects of Defense R&D Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2012
151 Jijun Tan A Dual Measure of Correlation between the Solow Residual and Output Growth Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2012
150 PeiHua Mao Socialism: The Five Questions Science & Society, 2012
149 Zhujun Jiang China’s energy demand and its characteristics in the industrialization and urbanization process Energy Policy, 2012
148 Xudong Zeng An Optimal Investment Model with Markov Switching Volatility Quantitative  Finance, 2012
147 Chunyang Tong Pricing Scheme for Congestion-prone Service Facilities Operations Research Letters, 2012
146 Yuelin Shen Coordinating a Channel With Asymmetric Cost Information and the Manufacturer’s Optimality International Journal of Production Economics, 2012
145 Zhongjun Tian On Service Degrade At a Discount:Capacity,Demand Pooling,and Optimal Discounting Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2012
144 Xiaoqing Xie A Choice-Based Dynamic Programming Approach for Setting Opaque Prices Production and Operations Management, 2012
143 Ho Kwong Kwan Self-Love's Lost Labor: A Self-enhancement Model of Workplace Incivility Academy of Management Journal, 2012
142 Shubin Wu  Multinationality and downside risk: The roles of option portfolio and organization Strategic Management Journal, 2012
141 Longzeng Wu Coping with workplace ostracism: The Roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychological distress. Journal of Management Studies, 2012
140 Zhijun Chen Applying Uncertainty Management Theory to Employee Voice Behavior: An Integrative Investigation Personnel Psychology, 2012
139 Ho Kwong Kwan,Longzeng Wu High Core Self-Evaluators Maintain Creativity : A Motivational Model of Abusive Supervision Journal of Management, 2012
138 Longzeng Wu Work-to-Family Spillover Effects of Abusive Supervision. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2012
137 Longzeng Wu Developing and utilizing network resources: The roles of political skill Journal of Management Studies, 2012
136 Longzeng Wu Coping with workplace ostracism: The Roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychological distress Journal of Management Studies, 2012
135 Fuhai Hong Climate Policy, Learning, and Technology Adoption in Small Countries Environmental & Resource Economics, 2011
134 Dongming Zhu French Automobiles and the Chinese Boycotts of 2008: Politics Really Does Affect Commerce The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2011
133 Shuaizhang Feng Measuring inequality using censored data:a multiple-imputation approach to estimation and inference Journal of the Royal Statistical SocietySeriesA, 2011
132 Yong Zhou Smooth Estimation of ROC Curve in the Presence of Auxiliary Information Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2011
131 Jinhong You Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated non-parametric regression models with serially correlated errors Statistica Neerlandica, 2011
130 Nan Lin The dynamic features of Delicious,Flickr,and YouTube Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011
129 Nan Lin Modeling topic and community structure in social tagging: The TTR-LDA-Community model Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011
128 Longzeng Wu The impact of workplace ostracism in service organizations International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2011
127 Tuan  Anh Luong Impact of Taris on Productivity Review of International Economics, 2011
126 Xuehua Wang A bittersweet phenomenon:The internal structure,functional mechanism,and effect of guanxi on firm performance Industrial Marketing Management, 2011
125 Xuehua Wang The effect of Unrelated Supporting Service Quality on Consumer Delight,Satisfaction,and Repurchase Intentions Journal of Services Research, 2011
124 Rong Huang How brand awareness relates to market outcome,brand equity and the marketing mix Journal of Business Research, 2011
123 Xiaohua Bao Is China’s Antidumping More Retaliatory than that of the US? Review of International Economics, 2011
122 Bo Chen Export Variety, Revenue,and Productivity in China Review of International Economics, 2011
121 Xuehua Wang The Effect of Inconsistent Word-of-Mouth during the Service Encounter on Service Quality and Purchase Intention Journal of Services Marketing, 2011
120 Xuehua Wang The Effects of Corporate-Brand Credibility, Perceived Corporate-Brand Origin, and Self-Image Congruence on Purchase Intention: Evidence From China's Auto Industry Journal of Global Marketing, 2011
119 Qinghua Wang The “State of the State” in Reform-Era China Asian Perspective, 2011
118 Li Hua,Wei Yu Enhancing community system in China’s recent health reform:An effort to improve equity in essential health care Health Policy, 2011
117 Shuaizhang Feng Linkages among climate change, crop yields and Mexico-US cross-border migration Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 2010
116 Yong Zhou Efficient estimation of seemingly unrelated additive nonparametric regression models Journal of System Science and Complex, 2010
115 Yan Chen Genetic relation algorithm with guided mutation for the large-scale portfolio optimization Expert Systems with Applications, 2010
114 Yong Zhou Confident estimation for density of a biological population based on line transect sampling Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2010
113 Jinhong You Weighted Profile Least Squares Estimation for a Panel Data Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Mode Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 2010
112 Jianhua Hu Equivalent conditions for noncentral generalized Laplacianness and independence of matrix quadratic forms Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010
111 Yong Zhou Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models with Censored Data Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2010
110 Haibin Zhao General solutions to consistency problems in multiple hypothesis testing Biometrical journal, 2010
109 Haibin Zhao Test homogeneity of order-restricted means Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2010
108 Haibin Zhao Optimized Ranking and Selection Methods for Feature Selection with Application in Microarray Experiments Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2010
107 Jinhong You Statistical Inference for Fixed-Effects Partially Linear Regression Models with Errors in Variables Statistical Papers,  2010
106 Yan Chen A model of portfolio optimization using time adapting genetic network programming Computers & Operations Research, 2010
105 Jinhong You Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated varying coefficient partially linear models Statistica Neerlandica, 2010
104 Yuling Wang Analysing Insurer Rating Transitions with Different Economic and Industry Cycles The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance— Issues and Practice, 2010
103 Yuelin Shen Coordinating a channel with asymmetric cost information and the manufacturer's optimality International Journal of Production Economics, 2010
102 Xiaoqing Xie Improving Hospitality Industry Sales Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2010
101 Xuehua Wang The Effect of Brand Credibility on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Image Journal of Global Marketing, 2010
100 Bo Chen Measuring Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Principal Components Approach Asian Economic Papers, 2010
99 Yangchun Tong Order postponement in a supply chain in the presence of exponential demand with gamma prior Operations Research Letters, 2010
98 Feng Wang China's renewable energy policy: Commitments and challenges Energy Policy, 2010
97 Shu Keng Agents of Taiwan-China Unification? The Political Roles of Taiwanese Business People in the Process of Cross-Strait Integration Asian Survey, 2010
96 Hongxing Yang It Takes a Village (Perhaps a Nation): Families, States, and Educational Achievement Journal of Marriage and Family, 2010
95 Guoliang Zhou Saddlepoint approximations for studentized compound Poisson sums with no moment conditions in audit sampling Science China Mathematics, 2010
94 Feng Liu Effect of Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco-Dependence Treatments on International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2009
93 Angus C. Chu Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey Academia Economic Papers, 2009
92 Ling Shen Urban and Rural Disparity—the demand analysis Journal of Developing Areas, 2009
91 Ning Sun Strategy-proof and privacy-preserving fair allocation mechanism The Japanese Economic Review, 2009
90 Ninghua Du Experimental Evidence on Advertising and Pricing New Zealand Economic Papers: Special Issue on Experimental Economics, 2009
89 Yong Zhou Gaining efficiency via weighted estimators for multivariate failure time data Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009
88 Yong Zhou Nonparametric Estimation of the Production Function with Time-Varying Elasticity Coefficients Journal of System Engineering and Practice, 2009
87 Yong Zhou Strong Convergence Rates of Several Estimators in Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2009
86 Yong Zhou 时变弹性系数生产函数的非参数估计 系统工程理论与实践, 2009(EI)
85 Yong Zhou 次贷危机中的传染机制研究和策略分析 管理评论, 2009
84 Jinhong You Statistical inference for regression models with covariate measurement error and auxiliary information International Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2009
83 Jinhong You Weighted denoised minimum distance estimation in a regression model with autocorrelated measurement errors Statistics Papers, 2009
82 Jizhong Zhou Fear of Floating and Pegging Open Economies Review, 2009
81 Xuehua Wang The Impacts of Brand Personality and Congruity on Purchase Intention: Evidence from the Chinese Mainland’s Automobile Market Journal of Global Marketing, 2009
80 Jun Zhang The inconvenient truth about improving vehicle fuel efficiency: A multi-attributes analysis of the technology efficient frontier of the US automobile industry Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2009
79 Xiaoqing Xie Room-Risk Management at Sunquest Vacations Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2009
78 Zhongjun Tian Preemptive scheduling of jobs with agreeable due dates on a single machine to minimize total tardiness Opertions Rsearch Letters, 2009
77 Jing Dong Managing complexity and unforeseeable uncertainty in startup companies: An empirical study Organization Science, 2009
76 Langfang Wang Convertibles and Milestones in Staged Financing Journal of Economics & Finance, 2009
75 Ziye Zhao Regulatory Incentives for Earnings Management through Asset Impairment Reversals in China Journal of Accounting Auditing&Finance, 2009
74 Fang Fang Is there a term structure? empirical evidence from shanghai International Real Estate Review, 2009
73 Feng Wang Homeowners and their associations in urban china Alternatives internationles,2009
72 Angus C. Chu Special Interest Politics and Intellectual Property Rights: An Economic Analysis of Strengthening Patent Protection in the Pharmaceutical Industry Economics & Politics, 2008
71 Min Zhang Cyclical Behavior of Unemployment and Job Vacancies: A Comparison between Canada and the United States The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008
70 Shuaizhang Feng Longitudinal Matching of Recent Current Population Surveys: Methods, Non-matches, and Mismatches Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 2008
69 Shuaizhang Feng Consistent cell means for topcoded incomes in the public use march CPS (1976–2007) Journal of Economic and Social, 2008
68 Shuaizhang Feng Generalised percentile ratios as robust measures of labour earnings inequality Int. J. Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 2008
67 Cuihong Fan Research Joint Ventures, Optimal Licensing, and the R&D Subsidy Policy The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2008
66 Junji Xiao Technological advances in digital cameras: Welfare analysis on easy-to-use characteristics Marketing Letters, 2008
65 Feng Liu Correlates of State Legislative Action to Prevent Childhood Obesity Obesity, 2008
64 Yongge Tian More on extremal ranks of the matrix expressions A-BX ± X*B* with statistical applications Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2008
63 Yongge Tian On the natural restrictions in the singular Gauss-Markov model Statistical Papers, 2008
62 Jianwen Peng A system of variational inclusions with P–-accretive operators Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008
61 Yong Zhou Statistical Inference of Default Probability in Credit Risk Models Journal of System Engineering and Practice, 2008
60 Liming Wang Testing for Change-point of the First-order Autoregressive Time Series Models Chinese Journal of Applied  Probability and Statistics, 2008
59 Xiaoming Wang A simple and effective method for variable selection in additive models Journal of applied probability and statistics, 2008
58 Jinhong You Statistical Inference for Partially Linear Regression Models with Measurement Errors Chinese Annals of Mathematics - Series B, 2008
57 Wenjie Ma The causal effect of graduating from a top university on promotion: Evidence from the University of Tokyo’s 1969 admission freeze Economics of Education Review, 2008
56 Yuelin Shen Reactive Tabu Search in a Team-Learning Problem INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2008
55 Zhongjun Tian Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control of Substitute Products Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2008
54 Xuehua Wang Does country-of-origin matter in the relationship between brand personality and purchase intention in emerging economies?: Evidence from China's auto industry International Marketing Review, 2008
53 Xuehua Wang Asymmetric effects of brand origin confusion: Evidence from the emerging market of China International Marketing Review, 2008
52 Xuehua Wang A Meta-Analysis of Effect Sizes in International Marketing Experiments International Marketing Review, 2008
51 Bo Chen A composite index of economic integration in the asia-pacifi A decade of developments, 2008
50 Jun Huang Diversification of Chinese companies: an international comparison Chinese Management Studies, 2008
49 Lijun Xia Founder Control, Ownership Structure and Firm Value: Evidence from Entrepreneurial Listed Firms in China China Journal of Accounting Research, 2008
48 Hua Li,Gene Chang Disparity in Health Resource Allocation between Rural and Urban Areas in China: Is it Getting Worse? Chinese Economy, 2008
47 Gene Chang Estimation of the Undervaluation of the Chinese Currency by a Non-Linear Model Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2008
46 Wei Yu Healthcare Costs and Major Medical Conditions Near End of Life for Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury and Disease Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2008
45 Wei Yu Gender disparities in Veterans Health Administration Care: Importance of accounting for veteran status Medical Care, 2008
44 Angus C. Chu Confidence-Enhanced Economic Growth The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2007
43 Junji Xiao A Method For Analyzing Strategic Product Launch Frontiers of Economics in China, 2007
42 Tao Li The Messenger Game: Strategic Information Transmission Through Legislative Committees Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2007
41 Yongge Tian Some algebraic and statistical properties of estimators under a general growth curve model Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2007
40 Yongge Tian Some mixed-type reverse-order laws for the Moore-Penrose inverse of a triple matrix product. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2007
39 Yongge Tian On reverse-order laws for least-squares g-inverses and minimum norm g-inverses of a matrix product Aequationes Mathematicae, 2007
38 Yongge Tian On a group of mixed-type reverse-order laws for generalized inverses of a triple matrix product with applications Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2007
37 Jianwen Peng Implict iteration process with mean errors for common fixed points of  a finite family of strictly pseudocontrative maps International J. of Math. Analysis, 2007
36 Liming Wang Single-Machine Scheduling to Stochastically Minimize Maximum Journal of Scheduling, 2007
35 Jinhong You Two-stage estimation for seemingly unrelated nonparametric regression models Journal of System Science & Complexity, 2007
34 Wenge Zhu Robust Control Theory and Catastrophe-linked Securities Pricing Review of Futures Markets, 2007
33 Gene Chang Is the Chinese Currency Undervalued? Empirical Evidence and Policy Implication The International Journal of Public Administration, 2007
32 Wei Yu Phibbs Gender and Use of Care: Planning for Tomorrow's Veterans Health Administration Journal of Women's Health, 2007
31 Desheng Ouyang Cross-Validation and the Estimation of Probability Distributions with Categorical Data Nonparametric Statistics, 2006
30 Yongge Tian The equivalence between (AB)† = B†A† and other mixed-type reverse-order laws International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2006
29 Yongge Tian Ranks and independence of solutions of the matrix equation AXB + CYD = M Acta Mathematica  Universitatis Comenianae, 2006
28 Yongge Tian Rank equalities for idempotent matrices with Applications Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2006
27 Yongge Tian On common generalized inverses of a pair of matrices Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2006
26 Yongge Tian Universal similarity factorization equalities over generalized Clifford algebras Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2006
25 Yongge Tian Invariance properties of a triple matrix Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2006
24 Yongge Tian Extremal ranks of some symmetric SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2006
23 Yongge Tian The extremal ranks of A1 − B1XC1 subject to a pair of matrix equations. Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Universita di Padova, 2006
22 Yong Zhou A kernel-type estimator of a quantile function under randomly truncated data Acta Mathematica Sinica, (English Ed.), 2006
21 Yong Zhou Variable selection by pseudo wavelets in heteroscedastic regression models involving time series Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2006
20 Yebin Chen Tail asymptotics for Pollaczek-Khinchin type series with applications to ruin in perturbed model Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 2006
19 ChiLeung Wong Estimation of the Autoregressive Order in the Presence of Measurement Errors Economics Bulletin, 2006
18 Zhongjun Tian An O(n2) Algorithm for Scheduling Equal-Length Preemptive Jobs on a Single Machine to Minimize Total Tardiness     Journal of Scheduling, 2006
17 Xuehua Wang A Review of Research Methodologies in International Business International Business Review, 2006
16 Gene Chang The Paradox of China’s Growing Under-urbanization Economic Systems, 2006
15 Wei Yu Association of Comorbidities with Prescribing Patterns and Cost Savings: Olanzapine vs. Risperidone for Schizophrenia Pharmoco Economics, 2006
14 Wei Yu Use of Aggressive Medical Treatments near the End of Life: Differences between Patients with and without Dementia Health Services Research, 2006
13 Wei Yu Determinants of Cost among People Who Died in VA Nursing Homes Medical Care Research and Review, 2006
12 Minghen Zhang An Approach to VaR for Capital Markets with Gaussian Mixture Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005
11 Yongge Tian Cochran's statistical theorem for outer inverses of matrices and matrix quadratic forms Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2005
10 Yongge Tian Some inequalities for sums of nonnegative definite matrices in quaternions Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2005
9 Yongge Tian Special forms of generalized inverses of row block matrices Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2005
8 Yongge Tian The reverse-order law (AB)^+ = B^+(A^+ABB^+)^+A^+ and its equivalent equalities Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 2005
7 Yongge Tian Schur complements and Banachiewicz-Schur forms Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2005
6 Ying Chen On the exact null distribution of the generalized likelihood ratio test for analyzing unreplicated factorial designs Biometrical Journal, 2005
5 Jianli Shao ERP系统中的企业统计核算信息生成研究 计算机工程, 2005(EI)
4 Wenge Zhu The puzzle of paucity of demand of life insurance in china: an economic analysis The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance— Issues and Practice, 2005
3 Qing Mou Knowledge diffusion, market segmentation and technological catch-up: The case of the telecommunication industry in China Research policy, 2005
2 Zhongjun Tian On the Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem European Journal of Operational Research, 2005
1 Qinglu Jin How an ABC study helped a china's state-owned company stay competitive Journal of Cost Management, 2005
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