No. | Author | Title | Journal |
International Journal (Top Tier) |
17 | Dongni Zhu | Does Strategic Ability Affect Efficiency? Evidence from Electricity Markets | American Economic Review, 2019.12 |
16 | Jie Cai | Growth Through Intersectoral Knowledge Linkages | Review of Economics Studies, 2019.10 |
15 | Zhenxing Huang | Measuring ambiguity attitudes for all natural events | Econometrica,2018.9 |
14 | Bin Miao | Partial Ambiguity | Econometrica, 2017.7 |
13 | Zhenxing Huang | Measuring Discounting without Measuring Utility | American Economic Review, 2016.6 |
12 | Yu Jin | Securitization and Lending Competition | Review of Economic Studies, 2015.10 |
11 | Bin Miao | Comment on 'Risk Preferences are Not Time Preferences': Separating Risk and Time Preference | American Economic Review(Comments and Replies), 2015.7 |
10 | Lan Yao | Do Markets Erode Social Responsibility? | Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2015 |
9 | Ning Sun | An Efficient and Incentive Compatible Dynamic Auction for Multiple Complements | Journal of Political Economy, 2014 |
8 | Shuaizhang Feng | Misclassification Errors and the Underestimation of the Unemployment Rate | American Economic Review, 2013 |
7 | Hanming Fang | Observational Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment | American Economic Review, 2009 |
6 | Ning Sun | A Double-Track Adjustment Process for Discrete Markets with Substitutes and Complements | Econometrica, 2009 |
5 | Jimmy Chan | A Spatial Theory of News Consumption and Electoral Competition | Review of Economic Studies, 2008 |
1 | Ning Sun | Equilibria and Indivisibilities: Gross Substitutes and Complements | Econometrica, 2006 |
International Journal (Tier 1) |
207 | Liguo Lin | Family companionship and elderly suicide: Evidence from the Chinese Lunar New Year | Journal of Development Economics, 2023.2 |
206 | Youzhi Yang | An Equilibrium Labor Market Model with Internal and External Referrals | International Economic Review,forthcoming |
205 | Jingyi Zhang | Capital Flows and Income Inequality | Journal of International Economics, online |
204 | Shuguang Zhu | Private Disclosure with Multiple Agents | Journal of Economic Theory, online |
203 | Ji-WoongMoon* | Strategic Referrals and On-the-Job Search Equilibrium | Journal of Monetary Economics,online |
202 | Huaxia Zeng | A Taxonomy of Non-dictatorial Unidimensional Domains | Games and Economic Behavior, (2023.1) |
201 | Yan Sun | A Multi-Kink quantile regression model with common structure for panel data analysis | Journal of Econometrics, online |
200 | Youzhi Yang | Optimal CEO Turnover | Journal of Economic Theory,2022.7 |
199 | Xin Jin | Infinite Markov pooling of predictive distributions | Journal of Econometrics, 2022.6 |
198 | Sambuddha Ghosh* | Self-accessibility and repeated games with asymmetric | Journal of Economic Theory,2022.3 |
197 | Lei Qiao | Robust perfect equilibrium in large games | Journal of Economic Theory,2022.2 |
196 | Gaoji Hu | A Theory of Stability in Matching with Incomplete Information | American Economic Journal: Microeconomics,2023.1 |
195 | Dawen Meng | Dynamic Mechanism Design on Social Networks | Games and Economic Behavior, 2022.1 |
194 | Huaxia Zeng | Local global equivalence for unanimous social choice functions | Games and Economic Behavior, 2021.8 |
193 | Xirong Lin | Identification of Semiparametric Model Coefficients, With an Application to Collective Households | Journal of Econometrics, 2022.2 |
192 | Nathan Schiff* | Reducing Frictions in College Admissions: Evidence from the Common Application | American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2022.2 |
191 | Wei Qian | Exploitation of Labor? Classical Monopsony Power and Labor’s Share | Journal of Development Economics,2021.5 |
190 | Lei Ning | Why Do Americans Spend So Much More on Health Care than Europeans? | International Economic Review, 2021.5 |
189 | Shengliang Ou | Information frictions, monetary policy, and the paradox of price flexibility | Journal of Monetary Economics, 2021.5 |
188 | Chao Yang | Estimation of a SAR model with endogenous spatial weights constructed by bilateral variables | Journal of Econometrics,2021.3 |
187 | Shuguang Zhu | On the Foundations of Ex Post Incentive Compatible Mechanisms | American Economic Journal-Microeconomics,2022.10 |
186 | Jingyi Zhang | Optimal capital account liberalization in China | Journal of Monetary Economics,2021.1 |
185 | Jun Yu | Consumer Search with Blind Buying | Games and Economic Behavior, 2021.1 |
184 | Huaxia Zeng | Local global equivalence in voting models: A characterization and applications | Theoretical Economics2021.11 |
183 | Yuting Chen | Informal institutions and comparative advantage of south-based MNEs: Theory and Evidence | Journal of Development Economics,2021.1 |
182 | Gaoji Hu | The Revealed Preference Theory of Stable Matchings with One-Sided Preferences | Games and Economic Behavior, 2020.11 |
181 | Jie Cai | Knowledge Diffusion, Trade, and Innovation across Countries and Sectors | American Economic Journal-Macroeconomics,2022.1 |
180 | Kai Yang | Estimation of dynamic panel spatial vector autoregression: Stability and spatial multivariate cointegration | Journal of Econometrics,2021.4 |
179 | Lei Qiao | Modeling large societies: Why countable additivity is necessary | Journal of Economic Theory,2020.7 |
178 | Kang Rong,Qianfeng Tang,Yongchao Zhang | On stable and efficient mechanisms for priority-based allocation problems | Journal of Economic Theory,2020.5 |
177 | Kyung Min Kang* | Teacher expectations matter | Review of Economics and Statistics, 2020.5 |
176 | Xiaohui Lu | A goodness-of-fit test for copulas based on artingale transformation | Journal of Econometrics,2020.3 |
175 | Gaoji Hu | Learning by matching | Theoretical Economics,2020.2 |
174 | Simin He | Compromise and Coordination: An Experimental Study | Games and Economic Behavior, 2020.1 |
173 | Jun Yu | Can specialization be optimal when tasks are complementary? | Games and Economic Behavior, 2020.1 |
172 | Hanghui Zhang | Root N-prediction of generalized heteroscedastic transformation regression models | Journal of Econometrics, 2020.4 |
171 | Huaxia Zeng | Random Mechanism Design on Multidimensional Domains | Journal of Economic Theory, 2019.4 |
170 | Yan Zhang | The good, the bad and the ugly: Chinese imports, European Union anti-dumping measures and firm performance | Journal of International Economics, 2019.3 |
169 | Simin He | The Power and Limits of Sequential Communication in Coordination Games | Journal of Economic Theory, 2019.5 |
168 | Sambuddha Ghosh* | Intimidation: Linking Negotiation and Conflict | International Economic Review, 2019.11 |
167 | Ninghua Du | Prosocial Compliance in P2P Lending: A Natural Field Experiment | Management Science,2020.1 |
166 | Tingting Ding | Learning and Mechanism Design: An Experimental Test of School Matching Mechanisms With Intergenerational Advice | Economic Journal. 2019.10 |
165 | Yongchao Zhang | On pure-Strategy equilibria in games with correlated information | Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.9 |
164 | Huaxia Zeng | On random social choice functions with the tops-only property | Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.5 |
163 | Dan Luo、Xudong Zeng | Dynamic Asset Allocation with Uncertain Jump Risks: A Pathwise Optimization Approach | Mathematics of Operations Research, 2018.5 |
162 | Dongming Zhu | Breaking the 'Iron Rice Bowl': Evidence of Precautionary Savings from the Chinese State-Owned Enterprises Reform | Journal of Monetary Economics, 2018.4 |
161 | Zhiyuan Zhang | A unified approach to volatility estimation in the presence of both rounding and random market microstructure noise | Journal of Econometrics, 2018.3 |
160 | Ling Feng | Firm Entry and Financial Shocks | Economic Journal, 2018.3 |
159 | Simin He | Polluted River Problems and Games with a Permission Structure | Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.3 |
158 | Lei Qiao | Dynamic Directed Random Matching | Journal of Economic Theory, 2018.3 |
157 | Minhua Zhang | Nonatomic Potential Games: the Continuous Strategy Case | Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.3 |
156 | Minhua Zhang | On the Probabilistic Transmission of Continuous Cultural Traits | Journal of Economic Theory, 2018.3 |
155 | Yahong Zhou | Nonparametric Identifcation and Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry | Journal of Econometrics, 2018.2 |
154 | Xiang Han | Stable and Efficient Resource Allocation under Weak Priorities | Games and Economic Behavior, 2018.1 |
153 | Tao Huang、Jinhong You | Nonparametric fixed effects model for panel data with locally stationary regressors | Journal of Econometrics, 2018.1 |
152 | Mian Huang | Sure Independence Screening Adjusted for Confounding Covariates with Ultrahigh Dimensional Data | Statistica Sinica, 2018.1 |
151 | Hongbiao Zhao | Efficient Simulation of Clustering Jumps with CIR Intensity | Operations Research, 2017.11 |
150 | Yanping Yi | Semiparametric Estimation of the Bid-Ask Spread in Extended Roll Models | Journal of Econometrics, 2017.10 |
149 | Nathan Schiff* | The Out-of-State Tuition Distortion | American Economic Journal:Economic Policy,2019.2 |
148 | Cong Li | Optimal Model Averaging of Varying Coefficient Models | Statistica Sinica,2018.10 |
147 | Xuebo Wang | Beyond the Quantity–Quality tradeoff: Population control policy and human capital investment | Journal of Development Economics,2018.10 |
146 | Kang Rong | Public Good Provision with Constitutional Constraint | International Economic Review, 2018.2 |
145 | Fei Jin | Irregular N2SLS and LASSO Estimation of The Matrix Exponential Spatial Specification Model | Journal of Econometrics, 2018.10 |
143 | Guan Gong | Costly Labor Adjustment: General Equilibrium Effects of China’s Employment Regulations and Financial Reforms | Economic Journal, 2018.8 |
142 | Nianqing Liu | Rationalization and Identification of Binary Games with Correlated Types | Journal of Econometrics, 2017.12 |
141 | Jinhong You | A Semiparametric Regression Model for Longitudinal Data with Non-stationary Errors | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,2017.12 |
140 | Xianjie He | Do Social Ties between External Auditors and Audit Committee Members Affect Audit Quality? | The Accounting Review, 2017.9 |
139 | Simin He | The Sources of the Communication Gap | Management Science, 2017.9 |
138 | Nianqing Liu | A Nonparametric Test for Comparing Valuation Distributions in First-Price Auctions | International Economic Review, 2017.8 |
137 | Yangkan Ou | Reaching the Limits of Reciprocity in Favor Exchange: The Effects of Generous, Stingy, and Matched Favor Giving on Social Status | Journal of Applied Psychology, 2018.6 |
136 | Haoyuan Ding | Connect to Trade | Journal of International Economics, 2018.1 |
135 | Zhongjun Tian | Responsive Pricing Newsvendor Networks with Discretionary Commonality | Production and Operations Management, 2017.8 |
134 | Guangyu Nie | Amplification and Asymmetric Effects without Collateral Constraints | AEJ:Macroeconomics, 2017.7 |
133 | Xiaolan Zhou | Welfare Analysis of the Vehicle Quota System in China | International Economic Review, 2017.5 |
132 | Yongchao Zhang | On the Equivalence of Large Individualized and | Theoretical Economics, 2017.5 |
131 | Chao Yang | Social Interactions under Incomplete Information with Heterogeneous Expectations | Journal of Econometrics, 2017.5 |
130 | Tingting Ding | Matching and Chatting: An Experimental Study of the Impact of Network Communication on School-Matching Mechanisms | Games and Economic Behavior, 2017.5 |
129 | Lan Yao | Testing Ambiguity Theories with a Mean-Preserving Design | Quantitative Economics, 2017.3 |
128 | Zhenhua Jiao | The Blocking Lemma and Strategy-proofness in Many-to-many Matchings | Games and Economic Behavior, 2017.3 |
127 | Dongming Zhu | Partial Identification of Functionals of the Joint Distribution of “Potential Outcomes” | Journal of Econometrics, 2017.3 |
126 | Kai Yang | Identification and QML Estimation of Multivariate and Simultaneous Equations Spatial Autoregressive Models | Journal of Econometrics, 2017.1 |
125 | Yanping Yi | Forecasting Cointegrated Nonstationary Time Series with Time-varying Variance | Journal of Econometrics, 2017.1 |
124 | Mi Jeong Shin | Partisanship, Tax Policy, and Corporate Profit-Shifting in a Globalized World Economy | Comparative Political Studies, 2017.11 |
123 | Min Tang | Contingent Democratization: When Do Economic Crises Matter? | British Journal of Political Science, 2017.1 |
122 | Ling Feng | Trade Policy Uncertainty and China Economic Grwoth | Journal of International Economics,2017.1 |
121 | Tao Huang | Model Selection for Gaussian Mixture Models | Statistica Sinica, 2017.1 |
120 | Minhua Zhang | Imitative Dynamics for Games with Continuous Strategy Space | Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.9 |
119 | Ninghua Du | Goodwill Can Hurt: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Return policies in auctions | Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.9 |
118 | Xin Jin | Modeling Covariance Breakdowns in Multivariate GARCH | Journal of Econometrics, 2016.9 |
117 | Jie Cai | Population Aging and Comparative Advantage | Journal of International Economics, 2016.9 |
116 | Lei Qiao | On the Closed-graph Property of the Nash Equilibrium Correspondence in A Large Game: A Complete Characterization | Games and Economic Behavior, 2016.9 |
115 | Jun Yu | Assortative Matching and Risk Sharing | Journal of Economic Theory, 2016.5 |
114 | Xin Jin | Bayesian semiparametric modeling of realized covariance matrices | Journal of Econometrics, 2016.5 |
113 | Xingdong Feng | Estimation and Testing of Varying Coefficients in | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2016.3 |
112 | Wenzhang Zhang | Approximate Efficiency in Repeated Games with Side-payments and Correlated Signals | Theoretical Economics, 2016.1 |
111 | Youzhi Yang | Equilibrium Matching and Termination | Journal of Monetary Economics, 2015.11 |
110 | Hanghui Zhang | Binary quantile regression with local polynomial smoothing | Journal of Econometrics, 2015.11 |
109 | Guan Gong | Subjective mortality risk and bequests | Journal of Econometrics, 2015.10 |
108 | Cong Li | Binary Response Correlated Random Coefficient Panel Data Models | Journal of Econometrics, 2015.10 |
107 | Guan Gong | Dynamic Labor Demand in China: Public and Private Objectives | Rand Journal of Economics, 2015.fall |
106 | Fei Jin | Large sample properties of the matrix exponential spatial specification with an application to FDI | Journal of Econometrics, 2015.9 |
105 | Jun Yu | Bundling decisions in procurement auctions with sequential tasks | Journal of Public Economics, 2015.8 |
104 | Myungkyu Shim* | Financial Prices and Information Acquisition in Large Cournot Markets | Journal of Economic Theory, 2015.7 |
103 | Youzhi Yang | Outside Opportunities and Termination | Games and Economic Behavior, 2015.5 |
102 | Qianfeng Tang | Interim partially correlated rationalizability | Games and Economic Behavior, 2015.5 |
101 | Wenzhang Zhang | Collusion Enforcement with Private Information and Private Monitoring | Journal of Economic Theory, 2015.5 |
100 | Dan Liu | Market Potential and the Rise of US Productivity Leadership | Journal of International Economics, 2015.5 |
99 | Cong Li | Asymptoticsfor nonparametric and semiparametric fixed effects panel models | Journal of Econometrics, 2015.4 |
98 | Qiang Chen | Asymptotically distribution-free tests for the volatility function of a diffusion | Journal of Econometrics, 2015.1 |
97 | Yang Bai,Jinhong You | Panel data partially linear varying coefficient model with errors correlated in space and time | Statistica Sinica, 2015 |
96 | Yang Bai,Jinhong You | Semiparametric longitudinal model with irregular time autoregressive error process | Statistica Sinica, 2015 |
95 | King King Li | Crowding Out in the Labor Market: A Pro-Social Setting is Necessary | Management Science, 2014 |
94 | Tang Qianfeng | A New Perspective on Kesten's School Choice with Consent Idea | Journal of Economic Theory, 2014 |
93 | Fei Jin | On the Bootstrap for Moran's I Test for Spatial Dependence | Journal of Econometrics, 2014 |
92 | Yan Sun | A semiparametric spatial dynamic model | Annals of Statistics, 2014 |
91 | Mei Zhu | Behavioral Learning Equilibria | Journal of Economic Theory, 2014 |
90 | Xingdong Femg | Statistical Inference Based on Robust Low-rank Data Matrix Approximation | Annals of Statistics, 2014 |
89 | Xingdong Femg | Calibration Using Constrained Smoothing with Applications to Mass Spectrometry Data | Biometrics, 2014 |
88 | Xingdong Femg | Randomization inference for the trimmed mean of effects attributable to treatment | Statistica Sinica, 2014 |
87 | LiPing Zhu | On estimation efficiency of the central mean subspace | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2014 |
86 | LiPing Zhu,Jinhong You | Statistical Inference for Single-index Panel Data Models | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2014 |
85 | LiPing Zhu | Surrogate dimension reduction in measurement error regressions | Statistica Sinica, 2014 |
84 | Yan Zhang | How do exporters respond to antidumping investigations? | Journal of International Economics, 2013 |
83 | Zhiyuan Li | Exports and Credit Constraints under Incomplete Information: Theory and Evidence from China | Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013 |
82 | Feng Liu | Who Pays Cigarette Taxes? The Impact of Consumer Price Search | Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013 |
81 | Cuihong Fan | Licensing process innovations when losers’messages determine royalty rates | Games and Economic Behavior, 2013 |
80 | Liguo Lin | Enforcement of Pollution Levies in China | Journal of Public Economics, 2013 |
79 | Dawen Meng | Multi-task Incentive Contract and Performance Measurement with Multidimensional Types | Games and Economic Behavior, 2013 |
78 | LiPing Zhu | Dimension reduction and predictor selection in semiparametric models | Biometrika, 2013 |
77 | Jun Zhang | Optimal mechanism design with resale via bargaining | Journal of Economic Theory, 2013 |
76 | Linke zhu | Import competition from and offshoring to china: a curse or blessing for firms? | Journal of International Economics, 2013 |
75 | Shuaizhang Feng | Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data | Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012 |
74 | Fuhai Hong | International Environmental Agreements with Mixed Strategies and Investment | Journal of Public Economics, 2012 |
73 | Kang Rong | Alternating-Offer Games with Final-Offer Arbitration | Games and Economic Behavior, 2012 |
71 | Xingdong Femg | Multiple Imputation for M-Regression With Censored Covariates | Journal of the American StatisticalAssociation, 2012 |
70 | Mian Huang | Mixture of Regression Models With Varying Mixing Proportions: A Semiparametric Approach | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 |
69 | LiPing Zhu | A Semiparametric Approach to Dimension Reduction | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 |
68 | Jianqing Fan | Vast Portfolio Selection With Gross-Exposure Constraints | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 |
67 | Jianqing Fan | Estimating False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary Covariance Dependence | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 |
66 | Jianqing Fan | Vast Volatility Matrix Estimation Using High-Frequency Data for Portfolio Selection | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 |
65 | LiPing Zhu | Feature Screening via Distance Correlation Learning | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2012 |
63 | Jimmy Chan、Bingyong Zheng | Rewarding Improvements: Optimal Dynamic Contracts with Subjective Evaluation | Rand Journal of Economics, 2011 |
62 | Ninghua Du | Trust and Trustworthiness Reputations in an Investment Game | Games and Economic Behavior, 2011 |
61 | Yebin Chen | Efficient estimation of an additive quantile regression model | Scandinavian journal of statistics, 2011 |
60 | Xingdong Femg | Wild Bootstrap for Quantile Regression | Biometrika, 2011 |
59 | LiPing Zhu | Inference on primary parameter of interest with aid of dimension reduction estimation | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 2011 |
58 | Jinhong You | Series estimation in partially linear in-slide regression models | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2011 |
57 | Qinglu Jin | Relative Firm Profitability and Stock Price Sensitivity to Aggregate News | The Accounting Review, 2011 |
56 | Qinglu Jin | Investment Growth and the Relation between Equity Value, Earnings, and Equity Book Value | The Accounting Review, 2011 |
54 | Zhiliang Huang | Identification in first-price and dutch auctions when the number of potential bidders is unobservable | Games and Economic Behavior, 2011 |
53 | Dongming Zhu | A generalized asymmetric Student-t distribution with application to financial econometrics | Journal of Econometrics, 2010 |
51 | Yahong Zhou | Semiparametric and Nonparametric Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry | Journal of Econometrics, 2010 |
49 | LiPing Zhu | Dimension Reduction in Regressions Through Cumulative Slicing Estimation | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010 |
48 | Wanli Min | A Statistical Approach to Thermal Management of Data Centers Under Steady State and System Perturbations | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010 |
47 | Yong Zhou | Wavelet analysis of change-points in a non-parametric regression with heteroscedastic variance | Journal of Econometrics, 2010 |
44 | ChiLeung Wong | The rate of convergence to perfect competition of matching and bargaining mechanisms | Journal of Economic Theory, 2010 |
43 | ChiLeung Wong | Bilateral matching and bargaining with private information | Games and Economic Behavior, 2010 |
42 | Yan Sun | A semiparametric model for cluster data | Annals of Statistics, 2009 |
41 | Dongming Zhu | Properties and estimation of asymmetric exponential power distribution | Journal of Econometrics, 2009 |
39 | Zhe Li | The welfare costs of expected and unexpected inflation | Journal of Monetary Economics, 2009 |
37 | Yan Sun | Local polynomial odeling for varying-coefficient informative survival models | Statistica Sinica, 2009 |
35 | Yong Zhou | Statistical Inference for Semi-parametric Varying-coefficient Partially Linear Models with Error-prone Linear Covariates. | Annals of Statistics, 2009 |
34 | Jianqing Fan | A Design-Adaptive Local Polynomial Estimator for the Errors-in-Variables Problem | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009 |
33 | Jianqing Fan | Option Pricing With Model-Guided Nonparametric Methods | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009 |
32 | Jianqing Fan | Nonparametric Transition-Based Tests for Jump Diffusions | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2009 |
31 | Ying Chen | Analysis of multivariate failure time data using marginal proportional hazards model | Statistica Sinica, 2009 |
30 | Xiaoming Wang | Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective by BERK, R. A. | Biometrics, 2009 |
28 | Jun Zhang | The Role of Information Revelation in Elimination Contests | Economic Journal, 2009 |
27 | Hanming Fang | Understanding Overbidding in Second Price Auctions: An Experimental Study | Economic Journal, 2008 |
26 | Bingyong Zheng | Approximate Efficiency in Repeated Games with Correlated Private Signals | Games and Economic Behavior, 2008 |
25 | Yong Zhou | Estimating equations inference with missing data | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008 |
24 | Jianqing Fan | Semiparametric estimation of covariance matrices for longitudinal data | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008 |
23 | Yong Zhou | Detection of Changes in Return by Wavelet Smoother with Conditional Heteroscedastic Volatility | Journal of Econometrics, 2008 |
22 | Yong Zhou | Semi-parametric inference for ROC curves with censoring | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2008 |
21 | Yang Bai | Partial linear models for longitudinal data based on quadratic inference functions.Scandinavian | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2008 |
19 | Lijun Xia | State Ownership, the Institutional Environment, and Auditor Choice: Evidence from China | Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2008 |
18 | Yan Sun | Estimation of the Covariance Matrix of Random Effects in Longitudinal Studies | Annals of Statistics, 2007 |
17 | Benjamin Hak-Fung Chiao | The rules of standard-setting organizations: an empirical analysis | RAND Journal of Economics, 2007 |
16 | Yahong Zhou | Estimating a generalized correlation coefficient for a generalized bivariate probit model | Journal of Econometrics, 2007 |
15 | Yong Zhou | Marginal hazard models with varying-coefficients for multivariate failure time data | Annals of Statistics, 2007 |
14 | Jianqing Fan | Multi-scale jump and volatility analysis for high-Frequency financial data | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007 |
13 | Chunjie Wu | A Robust-Likelihood Cumulative Sum Chart | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2007 |
12 | Shaoli Wang | On directional regression for dimension reduction | Journal of American Statistical Association, 2007 |
11 | Shaoli Wang | Inference for mixture of symmetric distributions | Annals of Statistics, 2007 |
9 | Jinhong You | Difference-Based Methods for Inference in a Semiparametric EV Regression Model with Time Series Errors. | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 2007 |
7 | Hanming Fang | To Bundle or Not to Bundle | Rand Journal of Economics, 2006 |
6 | Yong Zhou | Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data | Annals of Statistics, 2006 |
4 | Ke Xu | A Kernel-Based Spatio-Temporal Dynamical Model for Nowcasting | Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2005 |
3 | Yong Zhou | Nonparametric estimation for structural change in volatility model for time series | Journal of Econometrics, 2005 |
2 | Yong Zhou | Empirical likelihood-based semi-parametric inference of the treatment effect in the two-sample problem with censoring | Biometrika, 2005 |
1 | Jinhong You | Bootstrap of a Semiparametric Partially Linear Model with Autoregressive Errors. | Statistical Sinica, 2005 |
International Journal (Tier 2) |
211 | Kang Rong、Qianfeng Tang、Yongchao Zhang | The core of school choice problems | Economic Theory, online |
210 | Gaoji Hu | Optimal multiunit allocation with costly verification | Social Choice and Welfare, 2023.9 |
209 | Zequn Jin、Zhengyu Zhang、Yahong Zhou | Identification and Inference in a Quantile Regression Discontinuity Design under Rank Similarity with Covariates | Econometric Theory(accepted, 2023.6) |
208 | Xirong Lin | Food demand and cash transfers: A collective household approach with Homescan data | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,2023.8 |
207 | Tianran Dai、Nathan Schiff* | The Structure and Growth of Ethnic Neighborhoods | Journal of Urban Economics, (accepted, 2023.6) |
206 | Jun Yu | Competitive targeted online advertising | International Journal of Industrial Organization,2023.3 |
205 | Youzhi Yang | On the Pure Theory of Wage Dispersion | Review of Economic Dynamics,2023.1 |
204 | Cong Li | Vaccination and Risky Behaviors: Evidence from the Hepatitis B Vaccination Campaign in China | Journal of population economics(accepted,2023.1) |
203 | Xuan Zhao | Cameralism in Practice and Prussian Industrialization Policies | History of Political Economy(accepted, 2022.11) |
202 | Tianran Dai、Nathan Schiff* | Delivery in the City: Differentiated Products Competition among New York Restaurants | Journal of Urban Economics, (accepted, 2022.10) |
201 | Cuihong Fan | Spying in Bertrand markets under incomplete information: Who benefits and is it stable? | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2022.11 |
200 | Huaxia Zeng | Probabilistic Fixed Ballot Rules and Hybrid Domains | Journal of Mathematical Economics, (published online, 2022.2) |
199 | Bingyong Zheng | The selection effect of quota rationing mechanisms on sales distribution: The convergence of auction and lottery | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,2022.8 |
198 | Zhengyu Zhang、Zequn Jin | Identification and estimation in a correlated random coefficients transformation model | Econometric Theory,2022.8 |
197 | Chao Yang | QML and efficient GMM estimation of spatial autoregressive models with dominant (popular) units | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics (published online, 2022.5) |
196 | Wangyang Lai | Air pollution and cognitive function: evidence from straw burning in China | American Journal of Agricultural Economics (published online, 2021.5) |
195 | Zhe Yang | A weak α-core existence theorem of games with nonordered preferences and a continuum of agents | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2021.5 |
194 | Tongbin Zhang | Stock Prices and the Risk-free Rate: An Internal Rationality Appproach | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2021.3 |
193 | Yan Zhang | Natural resource exports and Africancountries’ voting behaviour in the UnitedNations: Evidence from the economic rise ofChina | Canadian Journal of Economic, ,(accepted, 2021.2) |
192 | Qianfeng Tang、Yongchao Zhang | Weak stability and Pareto efficiency in school choice | Economic Theory, 2021.2 |
191 | Zhe Yang | The weak α-core of exchange economies with a continuum of players and pseudo-utilities | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020.12 |
190 | Qian Li | Welfare implications of switching to consumption taxation | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2020.11 |
189 | Lei Qiao | Monte Carlo sampling processes and incentive compatible allocations in large economies | Economic Theory,2021.4 |
188 | Jingyi Zhang | Shadow banking and optimal capital requirements | Review of Economic Dynamics,2020.10 |
187 | Sambuddha Ghosh(葛森)* | Prior-free online mechanisms for queueing with arrivals | Economic Theory, 2021.9 |
186 | Yahong Zhou | Semiparametric estimation of a censored regression model subject to nonparametric sample selection | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics(published online, 2020.7) |
185 | Dawen Meng | The competitive and welfare effects of long-term contracts with network externalities and bounded rationality | Economic Theory, 2021.7 |
184 | Bingyong Zheng | Corruption and Investment: Theory and Evidence from China | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,2020.5 |
183 | Kang Rong | The gambling effect of final-offer arbitration in bargaining | Economic Theory,2020.3 |
182 | Kang Rong | Random-settlement arbitration and the generalized Nash solution: one-shot and infinite-horizon cases | Economic Theory,2019.7 |
181 | Youzhi Yang | Optimal Self-Enforcement and Termination | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2019.4 |
180 | Darong Dai | Health Investment over the Life-Cycle | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019.1 |
179 | Jijun Xia | Procurement auctions under quality manipulation corruption | European Economic Review, 2019.1 |
178 | Simin He | Minority Advantage and Disadvantage in Competition and Coordination | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019.7 |
177 | Zhe Yang | Some generalizations of Zhao’s theorem Hybrid solutions and weak hybrid solutions for games with nonordered preferences | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2019.10 |
176 | Xin Jin | Bayesian Parametric and Semiparametric Factor Models for Large Realized Covariance Matrices | Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2019.8 |
175 | Yuanyuan Chen | The effect of primary school type on the high school opportunities of migrant children in China | Journal of Comparative Economics,2020.6 |
174 | Mingming Ma* | Does children's education matter for parents’ health and cognition? Evidence from China | Journal of Health Economics,2019.07 |
173 | Huaxia Zeng | Random Assignments on Preference Domains with a Tier Structure | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2019.10 |
172 | Cuihong Fan | Optimal licensing of technology in the face of (asymmetric) competition | International Journal of Industrial Organization,2018.7 |
171 | Zhe Yang | Some generalizations of Kajii′s theorem to games with infinitely many players | Journal of Mathematical Economics,2018 |
170 | Kang Rong | Unbounded Returns and the Possibility of Credit Rationing: A Note on the Stiglitz-Weiss and Arnold-Riley Models | Journal of Mathematical Economics,2018.3 |
169 | Xin Deng | Mutual fund herding and stock price crashes | Journal of Banking and Finance, 2018.7 |
168 | Jinqiang Yang | Ambiguity sharing and the lack of relative performance evaluation | Economic Theory, 2018.5 |
167 | Beibei Shen | Managerial Risk-Taking Incentives and Merger Decisions | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2018.4 |
166 | Kang Rong | Random-Settlement Arbitration and the Generalized Nash Solution: One-Shot and Infinite Horizon Cases | Economic Theory,2018.3 |
165 | Mengyun Wu | Identifying gene-gene interactions using penalized tensor regression | Statistics in Medicince, 2018.1 |
164 | Yong Zhou | Variable screening for ultrahigh dimensional heterogeneous data via conditional quantile correlations | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2018.1 |
163 | Zhiyuan Zhang | Stochastic Volatility Models based on OU-Gamma Time Change: Theory and Estimation | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2018.1 |
162 | Bingyong Zheng | Job Search under Asymmetric Information: Endogenous Wage Dispersion and Unemployment Stigma | Economic Theory,2018.1 |
161 | Yan Zhang | Chinese Import Competition, Crime, and Government Transfers in US | Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018.6 |
160 | Dongming Zhu | Goodness-of-Fit Test in Multivariate Jump Diffusion Models | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2019.4 |
159 | Cuihong Fan | Optimal Licensing under Incomplete Information: the Case of Inside Patent Holder | Economic Theory, 2018.12 |
158 | Hanghui Zhang、Yahong Zhou | Root-N Consistent Estimation of A Panel Data Binary Response Model with Unknown Correlated Random Effects | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2017.10 |
157 | Yuanyuan Chen | Informal Search, Bad Search?: The Effects of Job Search Method on Wages among Rural Migrants in Urban China | Journal of Population Economics,2018.5 |
156 | Lei Ning、Dongming Zhu | Human Capital and Innovation in a Monetary Schumpeterian Growth Model | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019.5 |
155 | Lei Ning | Health Investment over the Life-Cycle | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2019.1 |
154 | Bin Miao | Probabilistic Social Preference: How Machina's Mum Randomizes her Choice | Economic Theory, 2018.1 |
153 | Tao Huang | General covariate-adaptive randomization targeting unequal allocation ratio | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2017.12 |
152 | Zhe Yang | Some Infinite-player Generalizations of Scarf's Theorem:Finite-coalition α-cores and Weak α-cores | Journal of Mathematical Economics,2017.12 |
151 | Wangyang Lai | Pesticide use and health outcomes: evidence from agricultural water pollution in China | Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,2017.11 |
150 | Wenge Zhu | Wanting robustness in insurance | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2017.11 |
149 | Jianhua Hu | On the Oracle property of a Generalized Adaptive Elastic-net for Multivariate Linear Regression with a Diverging Number of Parameters | Journal of Multivariate Analysis,2017.11 |
148 | Guiqin Zhao | Cash holdings between public and private insurers ‒ a partial adjustment approach | Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017.10 |
147 | Zhengyu Zhang | Local Partitioned Quantile Regression | Econometric Theory, 2017.10 |
146 | Jizhang Huang、Fei Pan | On the Association between Current Period Budget Target Achievability and the Properties of Nonfinancial Measures | Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2017.8 |
145 | Sirong Luo | A Technical Note on the Dynamic Nonstationary Inventory-Pricing Control Model with Lost Sale | International Journal of Production Research, 2017.8 |
144 | Zhengyi Zhou | Government ownership and exposure to political uncertainty: Evidence from China | Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017.8 |
143 | Xudong Zeng | Non-zero-sum stochastic differential reinsurance and investment games with default risk | European Journal of Operational Research, 2017.7 |
142 | Yuanyuan Chen | Quality of Migrant Schools in China: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study in Shanghai | Journal of Population Economics, 2017.7 |
141 | Jun Huang | Institutional determinants of vertical integration in China | Journal of Corporate Finance, 2017.6 |
140 | Zhenxing Huang | Measuring Ambiguity Attitude: (Extended) Multiplier Preferences for the American and the Dutch Population | Journal of Risk and Uncertainty,2017.6 |
139 | Haoyu Xu | Investor Attrition and Fund Flows in Mutual Funds | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2017.6 |
138 | Yong Zhou | Improve Efficiency and Reduce Bias of Cox Regression Models for Two-Stage Randomization Designs Using Auxiliary Covariates | Statistics in Medicince, 2017.5 |
137 | Jinhong You | Estimation and Model Identification of Longitudinal Data Time-varying Nonparametric Models | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2017.4 |
136 | Xiangyu Cui | Mean-Variance Policy for Discrete-time Cone-Constrained Markets: Time Consistency in Efficiency and the Minimum-Variance Signed Supermaringale Measure | Mathematical Finance, 2017.3 |
135 | Xiangyu Cui | Self-coordination in time inconsistent stochastic decision problems: A planner-doer game framework | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2017.2 |
134 | Jianhua Hu、Jinhong You | Improved Estimation of Fixed Effects Panel Data Partially Linear Models with Heteroscedastic Errors | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2017.2 |
133 | Min Tang | Institutionalizing from the Middle: the Impacts of Provincial Legislation on Rural Grassroots Democracy in China | Studies in Comparative and International Development, 2017.7 |
132 | Jie Chen | Incentive or Selection? A New Investigation of Local Leaders’ Political Turnover in China | Social Science Quarterly, 2017.3 |
131 | Min Tang | Contingent Instrumental and Intrinsic Support: Exploring Regime Support in Asia | Political Studies, 2017.3 |
130 | Longzeng Wu | Perceptions of Negative Workplace Gossip: A Self-Consistency Theory Framework | Journal of Management, 2018.5 |
129 | Ho Kwong Kwan | The effect of workplace negative gossip on employee proactive behavior in China: The moderating role of traditionality | Journal of Business Ethics, 2018.4 |
128 | Weihe Gao | How does influence strategy work? The moderating role of cognitive institutional profile and mediating role of commitment | Industrial Marketing Management, 2018.1 |
127 | Ho Kwong Kwan | Configuring challenge and hindrance contexts for introversion and creativity: Joint effects of task complexity and guanxi management | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2017.12 |
126 | Liguo Song | Fair pay dispersion: A regulatory focus theory view | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2017.12 |
125 | Ho Kwong Kwan | Revenge exacerbates the effects of interpersonal problems on mentors’ emotional exhaustion and work-family conflict: A self-defeating perspective | Human Resource Management, 2017.9 |
124 | Wei Li | Elastic Attention, Risk Sharing, and International Comovements | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2017.6 |
123 | Yahua Cai | Dual-level Transformational Leadership and Team Information Elaboration: The Mediating Role of Relationship Conflict and Moderating Role of Middle-Way Thinking | Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2017.5 |
122 | Jiaping Xie | Coordination Contracts of Dual-channel with Cooperation Advertising in Closed-loop Supply Chains | International Journal of Production Economics, 2017.2 |
121 | Yannan Jin | Interaction between channel strategy and store brand decisions | European Journal of Operational Research, 2017.2 |
120 | Zhe Yang | Further Results on Structural Stability and Robustness to Bounded Rationality | Journal of Mathematical Economics,2016.12 |
119 | Liguo Lin | Location Choice of FDI Firms and Environmental Regulation Reforms in China | Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2016.10 |
118 | Ninghua Du | In-group Favoritism and Moral Decision-making | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016.8 |
117 | Min Zhang | Effects of Extended Unemployment Insurance Benefits on Labor Dynamics | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2016.7 |
116 | Zhengyu Zhang | Semiparametric estimation of partially linear transformation models under conditional quantile restriction | Econometric Theory, 2016.4 |
115 | Zhe Li | Emission taxes and standards in a general equilibrium with entry and exit | Journal of Economic Dynamics&Control, 2015.12 |
114 | Kang Rong | Bargaining with split-the-difference arbitration | Social Choice and Welfare, 2015.9 |
113 | Can Tian | Riskiness,Endogenous Productivit Dispersion and Business Cycles | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2015.8 |
112 | Qianfeng Tang | Hierarchies of Beliefs and the Belief-invariant Bayesian Solution | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2015.8 |
111 | Jinhong You | SCAD-penalized regression for varying coefficient models with autoregressive errors | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2015.5 |
110 | Yongchao Zhang | Pure-strategy Nash equilibria in nonatomic games with infinite-dimensional action spaces | Economic Theory, 2015.1 |
109 | Liping Zhu | Robust inverse regression for dimension reduction | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2015 |
108 | Huiping Zhang | The illiquidity premium: International Evidence | Journal of Financial Economics, 2015.8 |
107 | Kang Rong | Proportional Individual Rationality and the Provision of a Public Good in a Large Economy | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2014 |
106 | Sisi Zhang | Wage Shocks, Household Labor Supply, and Income Instability | Journal of Population Economics, 2014 |
105 | Sisi Zhang | Disparities in Wealth Accumulation and Loss from the Great Recession and Beyond | AER Papers and Proceedings, 2014 |
104 | Dongming Zhu | The information content of analyst recommendation revisions — Evidence from the Chinese stock market | Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2014 |
103 | Xiaolan Zhou | Collusion or Competition? Interfirm Relationships in the Chinese Auto Industry | Journal of Industrial Economics, 2014 |
102 | Yongchao Zhang | On the existence of pure-strategy equilibria in games with private information: A complete characterization | Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2014 |
101 | Jianhua Hu、Jinhong You | Panel data partially linear model with fixed effects, spatial autoregressive error components and unspecified intertemporal correlation | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014 |
100 | Mian Huang | General directional regression | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014 |
99 | Mian Huang | Estimating Mixture of Gaussian Processes by Kernel Smoothing | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2014 |
98 | Jianhua Hu | Model determination and estimation for the growth curve model via group SCAD penalty | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014 |
97 | Jinhong You | Asymptotic Theory In Fixed Effects Panel Data Seemingly Unrelated Partially Linear Regression Models | Econometric Theory, 2014 |
96 | Jinhong You | Signi_cant Variable Selection and Autoregressive Order Determination for Time Series Partially Linear Models | Journal of Time Series Analysis, 2014 |
95 | Haibing Zhao | Weighted p-value procedures for controlling FDR of grouped hypotheses | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2014 |
94 | Haichun Ye | Does Inflation Targeting Help Reduce Financial Dollarization? | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013 |
93 | Feng Liu | Excise tax avoidance: The case of state cigarette taxes | Journal of Health Economics, 2013 |
92 | Ninghua Du、Lan Yao | Promises in Contract Design | European Economic Review, 2013 |
91 | Zhiyuan Li | Task Offshoring and Organizational Form: Theory and Evidence from China | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2013 |
89 | Angus C. Chu | Money and the Welfare Cost of Inflation in an R&D Growth Model | Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2013 |
88 | Xin Jin | Modelling Realized Covariances and Returns | Journal of Financial Econometrics, 2013 |
87 | Ninghua Du | Strategic Delegation in an Experimental Mixed Duopoly | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2013 |
86 | Desheng Ouyang | Categorical semiparametric varying-coefficient models | Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2013 |
85 | Xiaojuan Hu | Information Acquisition and Welfare Effect in a Model of Competitive Financial Markets | Economic Theory, 2013 |
84 | King King Li | Asymmetric Memory Recall of Positive and Negative Events in Social Interactions | Experimental Economics, 2013 |
83 | Yanping Yi | Uniform Inference in Predictive Regression Models | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 2013.10 |
82 | HuiPing Zhang | Limit order book and commonality in liquidity | Financial Review, 2013 |
81 | Ling Feng | Taste Shocks, Endogenous Labor Supply and Equity Home Bias | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2013 |
80 | Jie Zhu | Predicting stock returns: A regime-switching combination approach and economics links | Journal of Banking and Finance, 2013 |
79 | Jinqiang Yang | The economics of hedge funds | Journal of Financial Economics, 2013 |
78 | Xin Deng | Corporate social responsibility and stakeholder value maximization: Evidence from mergers | Journal of Financial Economics, 2013 |
77 | Qiang Li | Language and urban labor market segmentation: Theory and evidence | Journal of Urban Economics, 2013 |
76 | Shan Zhao | Financial Development, Government Ownership of Banks, and Firm Innovation | Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012 |
75 | Angus C. Chu | Global Poverty Reduction and Pareto-Improving Redistribution | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2012 |
74 | Angus C. Chu | Endogenous Fertility and Human Capital in a Schumpeterian Growth Model | Journal of Population Economics, 2012 |
73 | Angus C. Chu | Does Intellectual Monopoly Stimulate or Stifle Innovation? | European Economic Review, 2012 |
72 | Hui He | What Drives the Skill Premium: Technological Change or Demographic Variation? | European Economic Review, 2012 |
70 | Cong Li | A Smooth Nonparametric Conditional Density Test for Categorical Responses | Econometric Theory, 2012 |
69 | Min Zhang | Labor Market Cycles, Unemployment Insurance Eligibility, and Moral Hazard | Review of Economic Dynamics, 2012 |
68 | Angus C. Chu | Fiscal Centralization versus Decentralization: Growth and Welfare Effects of Spillovers, Leviathan Taxation, and Capital Mobility | Journal of Urban Economics, 2012 |
67 | Lanfang Wang | Financial development and economic growth: Recent evidence from China | Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012 |
66 | Jianhua Hu | Estimation of parameters in the growth curve model via an outer product least squares approach for covariance | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2012 |
65 | Jianhua Hu | Estimation of parameters in a generalized GMANOVA model based on an outer product analogy and least squares | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2012 |
64 | An, Zhiyong | Taxation and Capital Structure: Empirical Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in China | Journal of Corporate Finance, 2012 |
63 | ShaoJia Cai | Option Trading: Information or Differences of Opinion? | Journal of Banking and Finance, 2012 |
62 | Jinqiang Yang | A unified model of entrepreneurship dynamics | Journal of Financial Economics, 2012 |
60 | Angus C. Chu | The Escape-Infringement Effect of Blocking Patents on Innovation and Economic Growth | Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2011 |
58 | Angus C. Chu | On the Optimal Mix of Patent Instruments | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2011 |
56 | Haichun Ye | The role of financial development in exchange rate regime choices | Journal of International Money and Finance, 2011 |
55 | Dongming Zhu | Modelling and forecasting expected shortfall with the generalized asymmetric Student-t and asymmetric exponential power distributions | Journal of Empirical Finance, 2011 |
54 | Angus C. Chu | The welfare cost of one-size-fits-all patent protection | Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, 2011 |
53 | Jianhua Hu、Jinhong You | Estimation for an additive growth curve model with orthogonal design matrices | Bernoulli, 2011 |
52 | Yong Zhou | Distribution Estimation with Auxiliary Information for Missing Data | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2011 |
51 | Jinhong You、Yong Zhou | Statistical inference using a weighted difference-based series approach for partially linear regression models | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2011 |
50 | Jinhong You | A partially linear regression model for data from an outcome-dependent sampling design | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 2011 |
49 | Zhen Wang | Where Did All the Dollars Go? The Effect of Cash Flows on Capital and Asset Structure | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2011 |
47 | Xudong Zeng | Optimal Non-proportional Reinsurance Control and Stochastic | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2011 |
46 | Jianjun Niu | Earnings management and the accrual anomaly: evidence from China | Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 2011 |
45 | Zengquan Li、Sun Zheng | Rent-seeking incentives, corporate political connections, and the control structure of private firms: Chinese evidence | Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011 |
44 | Sun Zheng、Song Tang | Government intervention and investment efficiency: Evidence from China | Journal of Corporate Finance, 2011 |
43 | Langfang Wang | Cross-Border Venture Capital Performance: Evidence from China | Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2011 |
42 | Lingfang Li | Reputation,Trust,and Rebates: How Online Auction Markets Can Improve Their Feedback Systems | Journal of Economics &Management Strategy, 2010 |
41 | Guan Gong | Evaluating the Advanced Life Deferred Annuity – An Annuity People Might Actually Buy | Insurance:Mathematics and Economics, 2010 |
40 | Yang Bai | Weighted empirical likelihood for generalized linear models with longitudinal data | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2010 |
39 | Jinhong You | Statistical inference for panel data semiparametric partially linear regression models with heteroscedastic errors | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2010 |
38 | Yihong Jiang | The Role of International Financial Reporting Standards in Accounting Quality:Evidence from the European Union | Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 2010 |
37 | Lei Lu | Asset Pricing and Welfare Analysis with Bounded Rational Investors | Financial Review, 2010 |
36 | Zhongzhi He | Dynamic Factors and Asset Pricing | Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2010 |
34 | Angus C. Chu | Effects of Blocking Patents on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis | Journal of Economic Growth, 2009 |
31 | Jimmy Chan | Media as Watchdogs: The Role of News Media in Electoral Competition | European Economic Review, 2009 |
30 | Desheng Ouyang | Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Functions with Discrete Regressors | Econometric Theory, 2009 |
29 | Jinhong You | Partially Linear Models and Polynomial Spline Approximations for the Analysis of Unbalanced Panel Data | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2009 |
28 | Jinhong You | Inference on a Regression Model with Noised Variables and Serially Correlated Errors | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009 |
27 | Yang Bai | Penalized quadratic inference functions for single-index models with longitudinal data. | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009 |
26 | Ning Sun | Competitive Outcomes and Endogenous Coalition Formation in an N-Person Game | Journal of Mathematical Economic, 2008 |
25 | Guan Gong | Mortality heterogeneity and the distributional consequences of mandatory annuitization | The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2008 |
24 | Mingheng Zhang | Modelling total tail dependence along diagonals | Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2008 |
23 | Lingfang Li | Sen’s theorem: Geometric Proof, New Interpretations | Social Choice and Welfare, 2008 |
22 | Yongge Tian | Some properties of projectors associated with the WLSE under a general linear model | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2008 |
21 | Jinhong You | Weighted Difference-based Approach for Semilinear In-Slide Regression Model | Journal of multivariate Analysis, 2008 |
20 | Jinhong You | A two-stage approach to semilinear in-slide models | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2008 |
19 | Jianhua Hu | Wishartness and independence of matrix quadratic forms in a normal random matrix | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2008 |
18 | Jianhua Hu | Asymptotic normality and consistency of a two-stage generalized least squares estimator in the growth curve model | Bernoulli, 2008 |
17 | Shaoli Wang | Consistency and asymptotic distribution of the Theil-Sen estimator | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2008 |
15 | Ling Shen | When will a Dictator Be Good? | Economic Theory, 2007 |
14 | Hanming Fang | Testing the Mechanisms of Structural Models: The Case of the Mickey Mantle Effect | AER Papers and Proceedings, 2007 |
13 | Haibin Zhao | Compare several treatments with a control | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007 |
12 | Ke Xu | Estimation of parameterized spatio-temporal dynamical models | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007 |
11 | Yong Zhou | Local likelihood with time-varying additive hazards model | Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2007 |
10 | Jinhong You | Statistical Inference of Partially Linear Regression Models with Heteroscedastic Errors | Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2007 |
9 | Yebin Chen | On the uth geometric conditional quantile | Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2007 |
8 | Jizhong Zhou | The Choice of Exchange Rate Regime in Developing Countries: A Multinational Panel Analysis | Journal of International Money and Finance, 2007 |
6 | Ning Sun | Quasi-equilibria in Banach spaces with lower semi-continuous preference | Economic Theory, 2006 |
5 | Yongge Tian | Partially superfluous observations | Econometric Theory, 2006 |
4 | Yong Zhou | Block empirical likelihood for longitudinal partially linear regression models | Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2006 |
3 | Yong Zhou | Corrected Local Polynomial Estimation in Varying Coefficient Models with Measurement Errors | Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2006 |
1 | Jizhong Zhou | The determination of capital controls: Which role do exchange rate regimes play? | Journal of Banking and Finance, 2005 |
International Journal (Tier 3 ) |
203 | Lan Yao | Group lying with negative externality | Frontiers of Economics in China(accepted,2023.6) |
202 | Cuihong Fan | Price leadership, spying, and secret price changes: a Stackelberg game with imperfect commitment | International Journal of Game Theory(online,2023.5) |
201 | Feng Huang | The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Related Policy Responses on Non-COVID-19 Healthcare Utilization in China | Health Economics,2023.3 |
200 | Yan Zhang,Lin Zhao | Export creation of the Belt and Road Initiative:'Give-them-a-fish' or 'Teach-them-to-fish' | Frontiers of Economics in China,2022.12 |
199 | Zhengyu Zhang | Interpreting the coefficients in dynamic two-way fixed effects regressions with time-varying covariates | Economics Letters,2022.7 |
198 | Yan Zhang,Lin Zhao | Export Creation of the Belt and Road Initiative:“Give-Them-a-Fish” or “Teach-Them-to-Fish”? | Frontiers of Economics in China2022.12 |
197 | Zhengyu Zhang | Identification and estimation in a heteroscedastic censored regression model with random coefficients | Economic Modelling,2022.5 |
196 | Zhe Yang | A weak α-core existence theorem of generalized games with infinitely many players and pseudo-utilities | Mathematical Social Sciences,2022.3 |
195 | Fang Wang | Social pensions and risky financial asset holding in China | Applied Economics(published online, 2021.12) |
194 | Jian Zhou | Analysis of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Modes and Effects | Frontiers of Economics in China,(accepted,2021.12) |
193 | Zhe Li | How Much Between-Group Wage Gaps Can be Explained by Talent Allocation Frictions in China? | Frontiers of Economics in China, (accepted,2021.10) |
192 | Daqing Luo | Monetary policy uncertainty and bank leverage: Evidence from China | Economics Letters, 2021.4 |
191 | Rongsheng Tang | Educational mismatch and income inequality | Economic Modelling, 2021.5 |
190 | Wangyang Lai | Air pollution and brain drain: Evidence from college graduates in China | China Economic Review,2021.5 |
189 | Darong Dai | Toward Longer Investment: Is an inclusive regime always better than an authoritarian one? | Economic Modelling, 2021.2 |
188 | Zhengyu Zhang、Yahong Zhou | Time-varying Individual Effects in a Panel Data Probit Model with an Application to Female Labor Force Participation | Economic Modelling,2021.1 |
187 | Yan Zhang、Lin Zhao | China's Exports during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic | Frontiers of Economics in China,2020.12 |
186 | Zhe Li | Lending Competition and Loan Sales: A Macroeconomic Analysis under Directed Search | Economic Inquiry, 2021.4 |
185 | Jiawen Xu | Forecasting U.S. Yield Curve Using the Dynamic Nelson–Siegel Model withRandom Level Shift Parameters | Economic Modelling, 2020.10 |
184 | Yuanyuan Chen | Tuition Fees of Higher Education and Intergenerational Mobility in China | Frontiers of Economics in China,2020.9 |
183 | Darong Dai | Inter-jurisdiction migration and the fiscal policies of local governments | Journal of Economics, 2021.3 |
182 | Lu Liu | Occupational attainment and stratification in China: The interactive effects of social networks and the hukou system | Review of Development Economics,2020.8 |
181 | Hanghui Zhang | Semiparametric identification and estimation of discrete choice models for bundles | Economics Letters,2020.8 |
180 | Qian Li | The Dynamic Effects of Consumption Tax Reform with Durable Consumption | The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020.6 |
179 | Lei Ning、Yuqin Wang | The Dynamic Effects of Consumption Tax Reform with Durable Consumption | The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2020.6 |
178 | Zixi Liu | Promote Competitive Neutrality to Facilitate China's Economic Development: Outlook, Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation—A Summary of the Annual SUFE Macroeconomic Report (2019–2020) | Frontiers of Economics in China,2020.4 |
177 | Lin Zhao | Why the effects of oil price shocks on China's economy are changing | Energy Journal, 2020.11 |
176 | Qiang Chen | The economic sources of China's CSI 300 spot and futures volatilities before and after the 2015 stock market crisis | International Review of Economics & Finance,2019.11 |
175 | Qiang Chen | A Nonparametric Specification Test for the Volatility Functions of Diffusion Processes | Econometric Reviews, 2019.5 |
174 | Lan Yao | Reference Dependent Preference and Labor Supply: Evidence from China | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2019.6 |
173 | Yuanyuan Chen | Research on the education of migrant children in China: A review of the literature | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2019.6 |
172 | Yuanyuan Chen | The education of migrant children in China′s urban public elementary schools: Evidence from Shanghai | China Economic Review, 2019.4 |
171 | Yuqin Wang | Tackle China’s Economic Complexities by Deepening Reform and Opening Up: Macroeconomic Outlook, Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation—A Summary of the Annual SUFE Macroeconomic Report (2018–2019) | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2019.4 |
170 | Zhe Yang | NTU core, TU core and strong equilibria of coalitional population games with infinitely many pure strategies | Theory and Decision, 2019.9 |
169 | Kai Yang | Identification and estimation of spatial dynamic panel simultaneous equations models | Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2019.5 |
168 | Yan Zhang | The Effect of Land Reallocation on Off-Farm Employments in Rural China | Frontiers of Economics in China 2019.9 |
167 | Xin Jin | A Bayesian Nonparametric Investigation of the Predictive Effect of Exchange Rates on Commodity Prices | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2020.6 |
166 | Chen Chen | The Effect of the Second Child on the Anthropometric Outcomes and Nutrition Intakes of the First Child: Evidence from the Relaxation of One-Child Policy in Rural China | B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2020.1 |
165 | Fang Wang、Hongzhong Yan | The Transition of Thoughts on Grain Control in the Qing Dynasty: A Survey of the Great Debate on the Ever-Normal Granary and Grain Prices in 1748 | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2020.4 |
164 | Zhengyu Zhang | Does renaming promote economic development? New evidence | China Economic Review,2019.10 |
163 | Darong Dai* | Interregional redistribution and budget institutions with private information on intergenerational externality | Review of Economic Design2019.07 |
162 | Zhengyu Zhang | Identification and estimation in a linear correlated random coefficients model with censoring | Econometric Reviews, 2019.12 |
161 | Zhengyu Zhang | Identification and estimation of a heteroscedastic binary choice model with endogenous dummy regressors | Econometrics Journal,2018 |
160 | Chao Yang | Tobit models with social interactions: Complete vs Incomplete Information | Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018.11 |
159 | Fei Jin | Outer-product-of-gradients tests for spatial autoregressive models | Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018.9 |
158 | Zhe Li | Is risk shock a key factor driving business cycles in China | The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics,2019.1 |
157 | Yahong Zhou | The impact of Green Building Label On Housing Price: Evidence from China | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2018.12 |
156 | Xiaoying Deng | Real Estate Risk, Corporate Investment and Financing Choice | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018.5 |
155 | Qingqing Zong | Agricultural Roots in Intergenerational Transfers in China | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2018.5 |
154 | Xiaoying Deng | Real Earnings Management, Liquidity and REITs SEO Dynamics | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018.4 |
153 | Kuangkuang Deng | Institutions and capital structure: the case of Chinese property firms | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2018.4 |
152 | Tao Huang | Unsupervised learning of mixture regression models for longitudinal data | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2018.3 |
151 | Miao Han | Joint analysis of recurrent event data with additive–multiplicative hazards model for the terminal event time | Metrika, 2018.3 |
150 | Lei Ning | Conquering China’s Unbalanced and Inadequate Development- Macroeconomic Outlook, Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation—A Summary of Annual SUFE Macroeconomic Report (2017–2018) | Frontiers of Economics in China,2018.2 |
149 | Jun Yu | Bundling Decisions in Multi-Objects Auctions with Optimal Reserve Price | Economics Letters, 2018.2 |
148 | Miao Han | A class of partially linear transformation models for recurrent gap times | Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2018.1 |
147 | Kang Rong | Fair Allocation when Players' Preferences are Unknown | Economic Inquiry, 2018.1 |
146 | Jiawen Xu | Modelling Exchange Rate Volatility with Random Level Shifts | Applied Economics, 2017 |
145 | Haibin Zhao | Estimating false discovery proportion inmultiple comparison under dependency | Communication in Statistics – Simulation & Computation, 2017.12 |
144 | Gang Wang | Fuzzy Correspondences Guided Gaussian Mixture Model for Point Set Registration | Knowledge Based Systems, 2017.11 |
143 | Zhiyuan Ma | Estimating coefficients of single-index regression models by minimizing variation | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017.11 |
142 | Haibin Zhao | FDR control under block dependence | Communication in Statistics – Simulation & Computation, 2017.11 |
141 | Chunjie Wu | Properties and enhancements of robust likelihood CUSUM control chart | Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017.10 |
140 | Dawen Meng、Zhe Yang | Two-agent collusion proof implementation with arbitrage and correlations | Review of Economic Design,2017.9 , |
139 | Qian Li | The implication of subsistence consumption for economic welfare | Economics Letters,2017.9 |
138 | Xiangyu Cui | Better Than Pre-Committed Optimal Mean-Variance Policy in a Jump Diffusion Market | Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2017.8 |
137 | Jianhua Hu | James-Stein estimation problem for a multivariate normal random matrix and an improved estimator | Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2017.6 |
136 | Yiping Wu | Enforcement and Political Power in Anticorruption | World Development, 2017.10 |
135 | Yangyang Yu | Trends in Elderly Health by Cohort: Evidence from China | China Economic Review, 2017.7 |
134 | Yibo Yang | China under Uncertainty: Outlook, Counterfactual and Policy Simulations, and Reform Implementation——A Summary of Annual Report(2016-2017) | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2017.6 |
133 | Lanfang Wang | Buybacks as an Efficient Strategy for Venture Capital in Emerging Markets | Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2017.3 |
132 | Yang Bai | Structural Identification and Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Varying-Coefficient Models | Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2017.3 |
131 | Xiaoneng Zhu | Asset prices and economic fluctuations: The implications of stochastic volatility | Economic Modelling, 2017.3 |
130 | Yongchao Zhang | Existence of Pure-Strategy Equilibria in Bayesian Games: A Sharpened Necessity Result | International Journal of Game Theory, 2017.3 |
129 | Jinqiang Yang | Dynamic corporate investment and liquidity management under model uncertainty | Economics Letters, 2017.3 |
128 | Jinqiang Yang | Idiosyncratic risk, the private benefits of control and investment timing | Economics Letters, 2017.2 |
127 | Feng Huang | The Impacts of China's Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance on Healthcare Expenditures and Health Outcomes | Health Economics, 2017.2 |
126 | Jun Yu | A Theory of Turnover and Wage Dynamics | Economic Inquiry, 2017.1 |
125 | Ho Kwong Kwan | Emotional labor and family quality: The role of work-family positive spillover | International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2018.6 |
124 | Ho Kwong Kwan | Effects of servant leadership on work-family balance in China | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2017.10 |
123 | Xuehua Wang、Xiaoyu Wang | Power distance belief and brand personality evaluations | Journal of Business Research, 2018.3 |
122 | Hang Wei | Interaction of after-sales service provider and contract type in a supply chain | International Journal of Production Economics, 2017.9 |
121 | Jiaping Xie | Optimizing capacity investment on renewable energy source supply chain | Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2017.8 |
120 | Caixia Shen | The Effects of Major U.S. Domestic Airline Code Sharing and Profit Sharing Rule | Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2017.3 |
119 | Xuehua Wang | Consumer Susceptibility to Cross-Selling Persuasion: The Roles of Self-Construal and Interpersonal Harmony | Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2017.1 |
118 | Weiming Li | Testing the independence of two random vectors where only one dimension is large | Statistics, 2017.1 |
117 | Yong Zhou | Efficiency of Estimators for Quantile Differencewith Left Truncated and Right Censored Data | Statistics and Probability Letters, 2017.1 |
116 | Jinhong You | Semiparametric GMM Estimation and Variable Selection in Dynamic Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2016.8 |
115 | Cuihong Fan | Optimal bid disclosure in patent license auctions under alternative modes of competition | International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2016.7 |
114 | Jinhong You | A Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Additive Model with Autoregressive Errors | Econometric Reviews, 2016.4 |
113 | Zhenxing Huang | The Property–Contract Balance | Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2016.3 |
112 | Guan Gong | The Role of Returns to Scale in Measuring Frictions in Resource | Economics Letters,2016.1 |
111 | Liping Zhu | Estimation and inference on central mean subspace for multivariate response data | Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2015.12 |
110 | Yanping Yi | Is There a Structural Change in The Persistence of WTI–Brent Oil Price Spreads in The Post-2010 Period? | Economic Modelling, 2015.11 |
109 | Feng Huang | A Simple Test for Private Information in Insurance Markets with Heterogeneous Insurance Demand | Economics Letters, 2015.11 |
108 | Zhengyu Zhang | Identification and Estimation of Partially Linear Censored Regression Models with Unknown Heteroscedasticity | Econometrics Journal, 2015.6 |
107 | Zhujun Jiang | The distributional impacts of removing energy subsidies in China | China Economic Review, 2015.4 |
106 | Haichun Ye | Comparing the effectiveness of traditional vs. mechanized identification methods in post-sample forecasting for a macroeconomic Granger causality analysis | International Journal of Forecasting, 2015.4 |
105 | Myungkyu Shim* | The Implication of Changes in Hours Fluctuations on Welfare Costs of Business Cycles | Economics Letters, 2015.3 |
104 | Liping Zhu | Connecting continuum regression with sufficient dimension reduction | Statistics and Probability Letters, 2015.3 |
103 | Cuihong Fan | The Merger-paradox: A Tournament-based Solution | Economics Letters,2015.2 |
102 | Jianhua Hu | Estimation of patterned covariance in the multivariate linear models: an outer product least-squares approach | Statistics, 2015 |
101 | Ji Tao | A Social Interaction Model With An Extreme Order Statistic | Econometrics Journal, 2014 |
100 | Tak Wai Chau | On the equivalence of indirect inference and bootstrap bias correction for linear IV estimators | Economics Letters, 2014 |
99 | Yanping Yi | Estimation of extreme value-at-risk: An EVT approach for quantile GARCH model | Economics Letters, 2014 |
98 | Liguo Lin | Inspections and Information Disclosure:Quality Regulations with Incomplete Enforcement | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2014 |
97 | Jiawen Xu | Forecasting return volatility: Level shifts with varying jump | International Journal of Forecasting, 2014 |
96 | Cuihong Fan | Licensing a common value innovation when signaling strength may backfire | International Journal of Game Theory, 2014 |
95 | Xudong Chen | The Nature and Avoidance of the 'Middle Income Trap' | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2014 |
94 | LiPing Zhu | An iterative approach to distance correlation-based sure independence screening | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2014.10 |
93 | LiPing Zhu | Conditional median absolute deviation | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2014 |
92 | Jinhong You | Estimation of fixed effects panel data partially linear additive regression models | Econometrics Journal, 2014 |
91 | Haibing Zhao | Two-sided Confidence Bands with the Inferential Sensitivity of One-Sided Bands | Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2014 |
90 | Haibing Zhao | Adaptive FWER control procedure for grouped hypotheses | Statistics and Probability Letters, 2014 |
89 | Haichun Ye | Current account adjustment in developing countries: the role of exchange rate regimes | Economic Inquiry, 2013 |
87 | Dan Liu | International trade and wage inequality: A non-monotonic relationship | Economics Letters. 2013 |
86 | Fei Jin | Cox-type tests for competing spatial autoregressive models with spatial autoregressive disturbances | Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2013 |
85 | Xiaolan Zhou | Multimarket contact in Italian retail banking: Competition and welfar | International Journal of Industrial Organization. 2013 |
84 | Zhengyu Zhang | Semiparametric estimation of a generalized threshold regression model under conditional quantile restriction | Econometrics Journal, 2013 |
83 | Zhiyuan Li | The Effects of Globalization on the U.S. Labor Market: Service Sectors Considered | World Economy, 2013 |
82 | YuanYan chen、Shuaizhang Feng | Access to Public Schools and the Education of Migrant Children in China | China Econmic Review, 2013 |
81 | Cuihong Fan | Horizontal mergers with synergies: cash vs. profit-share auction | International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2013 |
80 | Hui He | A Rapid Grid Search Method for Solving Dynamic Programming Problems in Economics | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2013 |
79 | Zhengyu Zhang | An alternative simple quantile regression estimator | Economics Letters, 2013 |
78 | Zhengyu Zhang,Ji Tao | Estimation of spatial autoregressive models with boundary specification problem | Economics Letters, 2013 |
77 | Kang Rong | Impact of Second-Order Uncertainty on the Efficiency of the Bilateral 0.5-Double Auction | Mathematical Social Sciences, 2013 |
76 | Yongchao Zhang | Large distributional games with traits | Economics Letters, 2013 |
75 | Wenjie Ma | Implied volatility smiles in the Nikkei 225 options | Applied Financial Economics, 2013 |
74 | Wei-Chih Chen | The extensive and intensive margins of exports: the role of innovation | World economy, 2013 |
73 | Jun Zhang | Revenue maximizing with return policy when buyers have uncertain valuations | International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2013 |
72 | Bei Zhang | Heterogeneous Ambiguity Attitudes: a field experiment among small-scale stock holders in China | Review of Economic Design, 2012 |
71 | Zhengyu Zhang | Estimation of heteroscedastic binary choice model with an endogenous dummy regressor | Economics Letters, 2012 |
70 | Haichun Ye | What to target? Inflation or exchange rate | Southern Economic Journal, 2012 |
69 | Kang Rong | An Axiomatic Approach to Arbitration and Its Application in Bargaining Games | The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Contributions tier), 2012 |
68 | Dewei Zhou | Intergenerational Income Mobility Revisited: Estimation with an Income Dynamic Model with Heterogeneous Age Profile | Economics Letters, 2012 |
67 | Haichun Ye | On the Granger causality between median inflation and price dispersion | Applied Economics, 2012 |
66 | Shan Zhao | When Bank Loans are Bad News: Market Reactions to Loan Announcements under the Risk of Expropriation | Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 2012 |
65 | Angus C. Chu | When does elastic labor supply cause an inverted-U effect of patents on innovation? | Economics Letters, 2012 |
64 | Ji Tao | The spatial time lag in panel data models | Economics Letters, 2012 |
63 | Hui He | A Note on a Rapid Grid Search Method for Solving Dynamic Programming Problems in Economics | Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012 |
62 | Bingyong Zheng | A Theory of Mergers and Merger Waves | Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012 |
61 | Xia Li | Statistical Discrimination and Gender Wage Gap: A Model | Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012 |
60 | Zhaoming Cui | A Characterization for Dominant Strategy Implementation | Frontiers of Economics in China (FEC), 2012 |
59 | Wei-Chih Chen | Innovation and duration of exports | Economics Letters, 2012 |
58 | Daqing Luo | Organizational Capital and the International Co-movement of Investment | Journal of Macroeconomics, 2011 |
57 | Haichun Ye | Understanding oil prices: How important is the China factor? | Energy Journal, 2011 |
56 | Angus C. Chu | International Intellectual Property Rights: Effects on Growth, Welfare and Income Inequality | Journal of Macroeconomics, 2011 |
55 | Jinhong You | Statistical Inference For Varying-Coefficient Models With Error-Prone Covariates | Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 2011 |
54 | Jinhong You | Effcient Estimation for Error Component Seemingly Unrelated Nonparametric Regression Models | Metrika, 2011 |
53 | Qinglu Jin | Agency problems and liquidity premium: Evidence from China's stock ownership reform | International Review of Financial Analysis, 2011 |
52 | Zhiliang Huang | The Role of Private Information in Dynamic Matching and Bargaining: Can it Be Good for Efficiency? | Economics Letters, 2011 |
51 | Bingyong Zheng | Moral hazard, insurance claims, and repeated insurance contracts | Canadian Journal of Economics, 2010 |
50 | Ning Sun | Bargaining Over Perfect Complements Owned Separately: With Experimental Test | Economics Letters, 2010 |
49 | Angus C. Chu | Effects of Patent Policy on Income and Consumption Inequality in an R&D Growth Model | Southern Economic Journal, 2010 |
48 | Angus C. Chu | Nation States vs. United Empire: Effects of Political Competition on Economic Growth | Public Choice, 2010 |
47 | Feng Liu | Reduced Smoking and Rising Obesity: Does Smoking Ban in Workplace Matter? | Economics Letters, 2010 |
46 | Lingfang Li | What Is the Cost of Venting? Evidence from eBay | Economics Letters, 2010 |
45 | Shuaizhang Feng | Improving imputations of top incomes in the public-use Current Population Survey by using both cell-means and variances | Economics Letters, 2010 |
44 | Ling Shen | Democracy vs. Dictatorship: Comparing the Evolution of Economic Growth under two political Regimes | Economics of Transition, 2010 |
43 | Angus C. Chu | On R&D Spillovers, Multiple Equilibria and Indeterminacy | Journal of Economics, 2010 |
42 | Angus C. Chu | Effects of Patent Length on R&D: A Quantitative DGE Analysis | Journal of Economics, 2010 |
41 | Hongjun Zhong | Buy Price Auction: A Distributional Approach | Economics Letters, 2010 |
39 | Jianhua Hu | Properties of the explicit estimators in the extended growth curve model | Statistics, 2010 |
38 | Xiaoming Wang | Variable selection via combined penalization for high-dimensional data analysis | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2010 |
37 | Ying Chen | An analysis of three-level orthogonal saturated designs | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2010 |
36 | Jing Dong | Corporate governance structure, managerial discretion, and the R&D investment in China | International Review of Economics and Finance, 2010 |
34 | Angus C. Chu | A Politico-Economic Analysis of the European Union's R&D Policy | Journal of Macroeconomics, 2009 |
32 | Desheng Ouyang | Nonparametric regression with weakly dependent data: the discrete and continuous regressor case | Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2009 |
31 | Feng Liu | An Analysis of Life-Course Smoking Behavior in China | Health Economics, 2009 |
30 | Jimmy Chan | The Distributional Consequences of Diversity-Enhancing University Admissions Rules | Journal of Law , Economics & organization, 2009 |
29 | Shuaizhang Feng | Using the P90/P10 Index to Measure US Inequality Trends with Current Population Survey Data: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults | Review of Income and Wealth, 2009 |
28 | Feng Liu | Cutting through the Smoke: Separating the Effect of Price on Smoking Initiation, Relapse and Cessation | Applied Economics, 2009 |
27 | Yongge Tian | On V-orthogonal projectors associated with a semi-norm | Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2009 |
26 | Yang Bai | Robust empirical likelihood inference for longitudinal data. | Statistics and Probability Letters, 2009 |
25 | Yebin Chen | Bahadur representation for the nonparametric M-estimator under alpha-mixing Dependence. | Statistics, 2009 |
24 | Junji Xiao | Markov Perfect Equilibrium in the US Digital Camera Market | International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2008 |
23 | Guan Gong | K-nn Nonparametric Estimation of Regression Functions in the Presence of Irrelevant Variables | Econometrics Journal, 2008 |
22 | Yongge Tian | On sum decompositions of weighted least-squares estimators for the partitioned linear model | Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2008 |
21 | Yahong Zhou | Semiparametric estimation of a nonstationary panel data transformation model under symmetry | Economics Letters, 2008 |
20 | Cuihong Fan | Procurement with Costly Bidding, Optimal Shortlisting, and Rebates | Economics Letters, 2008 |
19 | Yong Zhou | Consistency and uniformly asymptotic normality of wavelet estimator in regression model with associated samples. | Statistics and Probability Letters, 2008 |
18 | Haibin Zhao | Exact Tests in Panel Data Using Generalized p-Value | Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2008 |
17 | Jianhua Hu | On the expressions of estimability in testing general linear hypotheses | Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2008 |
16 | Tak Wai Chau | Testing the Collective Model of Household Labor Supply: Evidence from China | China Economic Review, 2007 |
15 | Daqing Luo | Investment-Specific Shocks and External Balances in A Small-Open Economy Model | Canadian Journal of Economics, 2007 |
14 | Yongge Tian | Some decompositions of OLSEs and BLUEs under a partitioned linear model | International Statistical Review, 2007 |
13 | Yongge Tian | Estimation and optimal designs for linear Haar-wavelet models | Metrika, 2007 |
12 | Yongge Tian | On constrained generalized inverses of matrices and their properties | Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 2007 |
11 | Xiaoming Wang | Exponential-Bound Property of Estimators and Variable Selection in Generalized Additive Models | Communication in Statistics – Theory & Methods, 2007 |
10 | Fei Pan | The implementation of Activity -Based Costing in China: An innovation action research approach | British Accounting Review, 2007 |
9 | Desheng Ouyang | Cross-Validation and Nonparametric K nearest neighbor Estimation | Econometrics Journal, 2006 |
8 | Ning Sun | Bewley’s limiting approach to infinite dimensional economies with l.s.c. preferences | Economics Letters, 2006 |
7 | Yongge Tian | A-minimax and D-minimax robust optimal designs for approximately linear Haar-Wavelet models | Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2006 |
6 | Yongge Tian | On equality and proportionality of ordinary least-squares, weighted least-squares and best linear unbiased estimators in the general linear model | Statistics & Probability Letters, 2006 |
5 | Yong Zhou | Empirical likelihood for semi-parametric varying coefficient partially linear regression models | Statistics and Probability Letters, 2006 |
3 | Desheng Ouyang | Uniform Convergence Rate of Kernel Estimation with Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data | Economics Letters, 2005 |
1 | Jizhong Zhou | The Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes: An Empirical Analysis for Transition Economies | Economics of Transition, 2005 |
Other Journals (SCI、SSCI、EI) |
233 | Mingming Ma | Offspring Educational Attainment and Older Parents’ Cognition in Mexico | Demography,2021.2 |
232 | Zhe Yang | Arbitrage, speculation and futures price fluctuations with boundedly rational and heterogeneous agents | Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination,2020.9 |
231 | Darong Dai | Voting over selfishly optimal tax schedules: Can Pigouvian tax redistribute income? | Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2020.9 |
230 | Mingming Ma | Height shrinkage, health and mortality among older adults: Evidence from Indonesia | Economics & Human Biology, 2020.5 |
229 | Darong Dai | On the Efficiency of Wage-Setting Mechanisms with Search Frictions and Human Capital Investment | Annals of Economics and Finance, 2020.5 |
228 | Rongsheng Tang | Uniqueness and Determinacy of the Romer (1990) Model | Annals of Economics and Finance, 2020.5 |
227 | Zhe Yang | A coalitional extension of generalized fuzzy games | Fuzzy Sets and Systems,2020.3 |
226 | Zhe Yang | Coalitional Equilibria in Coalitional Abstract Economies with Nonordered Preferences | Journal of Systems Science & Complexity,2020.2 |
225 | Guan Gong | Shadow Banking Activities of Non-Financial State-Owned Enterprises and Financial Regulation in China | Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting, (accepted) 2020 |
224 | Darong Dai | Optimal Interregional Redistribution and Local Borrowing Rules under Migration and Asymmetric Information | Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2019.12 |
223 | Yuanyuan Chen | Sensitivity of Self-Reported Non-Cognitive Skills to Survey Administration Conditions | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.12 |
222 | Zhe Yang | Existence of Weakly Cooperative Equilibria for Infinite-Leader-Infinite-Follower Games | Journal of the Operations Research Society of China,2019.12 |
221 | Yan Zhang | Household Property Rights Formation in Rural China: Farmers′ Preference, Transaction Cost and the Efficiency Hypothesis | Asian Economic Journal,2019.11 |
220 | Zhe Yang | Essential stability of cooperative equilibria for population games | Optimization Letters,2019.10 |
219 | Yuanyuan Chen | Liquidity Constraint Shock, Job Search and Post Match Quality—Evidence from Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China | Journal of Labor Research,2019.9 |
218 | Zhe Yang | Quantum repeated games with continuous-variable strategies | Physics Letters A,2019.8 |
217 | Feng Huang | Impact of community based screening for hypertension on blood pressure after two years: regression discontinuity analysis in a national cohort of older adults in China | Bmj-british Medical Journal,2019.7 |
216 | Wangyang Lai | The impact of indoor air pollution on health outcomes and cognitive abilities: empirical evidence from China | Population and Environment,2019.6 |
215 | Darong Dai | Patent protection in the South: Is there a case for nondiscrimination? | Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 2019.7 |
214 | Darong Dai | Two Differential Games between Rent-Seeking Politicians and Capitalists: Implications for Economic Growth | International Game Theory Review, 2018.8 |
213 | Kai Zhu | The effect of non-recurring items on analysts’ earnings forecasts | China Journal of Accounting Research, 2018.3 |
212 | Jizhang Huang | Management accountants in mainland China and Taiwan | The Role of the Management Accountants, 2018.1 |
211 | Xunxiao Wang | Asymmetric volatility spillovers between crude oil and international financial markets | Energy Economics, 2018.8 |
210 | Yong Zhou | On the convergence rates of kernel estimator and hazard estimator for widely dependent samples | Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2018.4 |
209 | Jianhua Hu | A group adaptive elastic-net approach for variable selection in high-dimensional linear regression | Science China-Mathematics, 2018.1 |
208 | Zhengyi Zhou | Housing market sentiment and intervention effectiveness: Evidence from China | Emerging Markets Review, 2018.6 |
207 | Sumei Luo | Financial Security and Optimal Scale of Foreign Exchange Reserve in China | Sustainability, 2018.5 |
206 | Sumei Luo | Financial Structure and Financing Constraints:Evidence on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China | Sustainability, 2018.5 |
205 | Sumei Luo | P2P Network Lending, Loss Given Default and Credit Risks | Sustainability, 2018.3 |
204 | Sumei Luo | Practice and Exploration on Teaching Reform of Engineering Project Management Course in Universities Based on BIM Simulation Technology | Eurasia Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education, 2018.2 |
203 | Yi Dong | Analyst Firm Coverage and Forecast Accuracy: The Effect of Regulation Fair Disclosure | Abacus-A Journal of Accounting Finance and Business Studies, 2017.11 |
202 | Yang Bai | Semiparametric statistical inferences for longitudinal data with nonparametric covariance modelling | Statistics, 2017.10 |
201 | Mengyun Wu | Assisted clustering of gene expression data using ANCut | BMC Genomics, 2017.8 |
200 | Jie Wu | How Can China Achieve Its Nationally Determined Contribution Targets Combining Emissions Trading Scheme and Renewable Energy Policies? | Energies, 2017.8 |
199 | Mengyun Wu | Accommodating missingness in environmental measurements in gene-environment interaction analysis | Genetic Epidemiology, 2017.6 |
198 | Yong Zhou | Power-transformed linear quantile regression estimation for censored competing risks data | Statistics and Its Interface, 2017.6 |
197 | Gang Wang | Robust Non-rigid Point Set Registration Using Spatially Constrained Gaussian Fields | IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017.4 |
196 | Yong Zhou | Analyzing the general biased data by additive risk model | Science China-Mathematics, 2017.4 |
195 | Ning Chang | Decoupling the lock-in effect between economic growth and CO2 emissions by structure adjustment: A final demand perspective | Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017.3 |
194 | Xu Liu | Generalized partially linear varying multi-index coefficient model for gene-environment interactions | Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2017.3 |
193 | Sirong Luo | Stochastic inventory system with lead time flexibility: offered by a manufacturer/transporter | Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2017.2 |
192 | Xingdong Feng | Robust low-rank data matrix approximations | Science China-Mathematics, 2017.2 |
191 | Ming Zhong | The nexus between military expenditures and economic growth in the BRICS and the US | Defence and Peace Economics, 2017.10 |
190 | Dehuan Jin | A mathematical model of enterprise credit venture evaluation mechanism based on entropy weighting method | Boletín Técnico, 2017.9 |
189 | Ling Feng | Do Capital Flows Matter to Stock and House Prices? Evidence from China | Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017.8 |
188 | Jinqiang Yang | Real option with liquidity constraints under secondary debt illiquidity risk market | Finance Research Letters, 2017.5 |
187 | Jinqiang Yang | Optimal capital structure and credit spread under incomplete information | International Review of Economics & Finance, 2017.3 |
186 | Jinqiang Yang | Real option with liquidity constraints under secondary debt | Finance Research Letters, 2017.2 |
185 | Jinqiang Yang | Financing constraints and the use of performance-sensitive debt | North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2017.2 |
184 | Naihong Hu | The Role of Comprehensive Information Sharing in Credit Market:TheoreticalAnalysisandNew Evidence | Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 2017.2 |
183 | Nathan Schiff* | Cities and Product Variety: Evidence from Restaurants | Journal of Economic Geography, forthcoming |
182 | Zhongjun Tian | Valuing Product Mix as an Option: Investment, Commitment, Production and Pricing. Production and Operations Management | Production and Operations Management, accepted |
181 | Xin He | Moral Hazard Contracting and Credit Rationing in Opaque Credit Markets | Journal of European Economy, forthcoming |
180 | Bo Chen | A Model of Chinese Brain Drain and Circulation | Southwest Journal of Economics, forthcoming |
179 | Run Liang | Health Insurance, Market Power, and Social Welfare | International Journal of Economic Theory,2017.11 |
178 | Zhe Yang,Dawen Meng | Hadamard Well-posedness of the α-core | Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2017.8 |
177 | Zhe Yang | Equivalence Results between Nash Equilibrium Theorem and Some Fixed Point Theorems | Fixed Point Theory and Applications,2016.12 |
176 | Zhe Yang | Existence and Generic Stability of Cooperative Equilibria for Multi-leader-multi-follower Games | Journal of Global Optimization,2016.7 |
175 | Lin Zhao | The Effects of Oil Price Shocks on Output and Inflation in China | Energy Economics, 2016.1 |
174 | Yan Chen | A hybrid stock trading system using genetic network programming and | European Journal of Operational Research, 2015 |
173 | Zhe Yang | On the existence and stability of solutions of a mixed general type of variational relation problems | Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014 |
172 | Zhe Yang | Some generalizations of common fixed point problems with applications | Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014 |
171 | Zhe Yang | Some new generalizations of nonempty intersection theorems without convexity assumptions and essential stability of their solution set with applications | Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014 |
170 | Zhe Yang | Stable Analysis of Solution Set for System of Quasivariational Relations with Applications | Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014 |
169 | Zhe Yang | On existence and essential stability of solutions of symmetric variational relation problems | Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014 |
168 | Zhujun Jiang | Distributional effects of a carbon tax on Chinese households: A case of Shanghai | Energy Policy, 2014 |
167 | Zhujun Jiang | The perverse fossil fuel subsidies in ChinadThe scale and effects | Energy, 2014 |
166 | Liguo Lin | China Provincial Industrial Pollution: the Role of Technical Efficiency, Pollution Levy, and Pollution Quantity Control | Environment and Development Economics, 2014 |
165 | Chunyang Tong | pricing and operational performance of discretionary service | Production and Operations Management, 2014 |
164 | Zhengyu Zhang | A pairwise difference estimator for partially linear spatial autoregressive models | Spatial Economic Analysis, 2013 |
163 | Ninghua Du,Lingfang Li | Can online trading survive bad-mouthing? An experimental investigation | Decision Support Systems, 2013 |
162 | Yahong Zhou | Semi-parametric estimation for the Box-Cox tr Semi-parametric estimation for the Box-Cox transformation model with partially linear structure | Science China(Mathematics), 2013 |
161 | Liguo Lin | Does International Economic Integration Lead to Cleaner Production in China? | Production and Operations Management, 2013 |
160 | Zhujun Jiang | How the Removal of Energy Subsidy Affects General Price in China: A Study Based on Input-output Model | Energy Policy, 2013 |
158 | Zhijun Chen | A Social Information Processing Perspective of Coworker Influence on a Focal Employee | Organization Science, 2013 |
157 | Wenbin Wang | Dynamic Capacity Investment with Two Competing Technologies | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2013 |
156 | Bo Chen | Trade Variety and Productivity in Canada | Review development economics, 2013 |
155 | Xiaohua Bao,Wei-Chih Chen | The Impacts of Technical Barriers to Trade on Different Components of International Trade | Review development economics, 2013 |
154 | An, Zhiyong | Private Property Rights, Investment Patterns, and Asset Structure | Economics & Politics, 2013 |
153 | GuangYuan Hu | Tracing the footprint of knowledge spillover: Evidence from U.S.-China Collaboration in Nanotechnology | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2013 |
152 | Angus C. Chu | On the Growth and Welfare Effects of Defense R&D | Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2012 |
151 | Jijun Tan | A Dual Measure of Correlation between the Solow Residual and Output Growth | Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2012 |
150 | PeiHua Mao | Socialism: The Five Questions | Science & Society, 2012 |
149 | Zhujun Jiang | China’s energy demand and its characteristics in the industrialization and urbanization process | Energy Policy, 2012 |
148 | Xudong Zeng | An Optimal Investment Model with Markov Switching Volatility | Quantitative Finance, 2012 |
147 | Chunyang Tong | Pricing Scheme for Congestion-prone Service Facilities | Operations Research Letters, 2012 |
146 | Yuelin Shen | Coordinating a Channel With Asymmetric Cost Information and the Manufacturer’s Optimality | International Journal of Production Economics, 2012 |
145 | Zhongjun Tian | On Service Degrade At a Discount:Capacity,Demand Pooling,and Optimal Discounting | Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 2012 |
144 | Xiaoqing Xie | A Choice-Based Dynamic Programming Approach for Setting Opaque Prices | Production and Operations Management, 2012 |
143 | Ho Kwong Kwan | Self-Love's Lost Labor: A Self-enhancement Model of Workplace Incivility | Academy of Management Journal, 2012 |
142 | Shubin Wu | Multinationality and downside risk: The roles of option portfolio and organization | Strategic Management Journal, 2012 |
141 | Longzeng Wu | Coping with workplace ostracism: The Roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychological distress. | Journal of Management Studies, 2012 |
140 | Zhijun Chen | Applying Uncertainty Management Theory to Employee Voice Behavior: An Integrative Investigation | Personnel Psychology, 2012 |
139 | Ho Kwong Kwan,Longzeng Wu | High Core Self-Evaluators Maintain Creativity : A Motivational Model of Abusive Supervision | Journal of Management, 2012 |
138 | Longzeng Wu | Work-to-Family Spillover Effects of Abusive Supervision. | Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2012 |
137 | Longzeng Wu | Developing and utilizing network resources: The roles of political skill | Journal of Management Studies, 2012 |
136 | Longzeng Wu | Coping with workplace ostracism: The Roles of ingratiation and political skill in employee psychological distress | Journal of Management Studies, 2012 |
135 | Fuhai Hong | Climate Policy, Learning, and Technology Adoption in Small Countries | Environmental & Resource Economics, 2011 |
134 | Dongming Zhu | French Automobiles and the Chinese Boycotts of 2008: Politics Really Does Affect Commerce | The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2011 |
133 | Shuaizhang Feng | Measuring inequality using censored data:a multiple-imputation approach to estimation and inference | Journal of the Royal Statistical SocietySeriesA, 2011 |
132 | Yong Zhou | Smooth Estimation of ROC Curve in the Presence of Auxiliary Information | Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2011 |
131 | Jinhong You | Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated non-parametric regression models with serially correlated errors | Statistica Neerlandica, 2011 |
130 | Nan Lin | The dynamic features of Delicious,Flickr,and YouTube | Journal of The American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011 |
129 | Nan Lin | Modeling topic and community structure in social tagging: The TTR-LDA-Community model | Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2011 |
128 | Longzeng Wu | The impact of workplace ostracism in service organizations | International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2011 |
127 | Tuan Anh Luong | Impact of Taris on Productivity | Review of International Economics, 2011 |
126 | Xuehua Wang | A bittersweet phenomenon:The internal structure,functional mechanism,and effect of guanxi on firm performance | Industrial Marketing Management, 2011 |
125 | Xuehua Wang | The effect of Unrelated Supporting Service Quality on Consumer Delight,Satisfaction,and Repurchase Intentions | Journal of Services Research, 2011 |
124 | Rong Huang | How brand awareness relates to market outcome,brand equity and the marketing mix | Journal of Business Research, 2011 |
123 | Xiaohua Bao | Is China’s Antidumping More Retaliatory than that of the US? | Review of International Economics, 2011 |
122 | Bo Chen | Export Variety, Revenue,and Productivity in China | Review of International Economics, 2011 |
121 | Xuehua Wang | The Effect of Inconsistent Word-of-Mouth during the Service Encounter on Service Quality and Purchase Intention | Journal of Services Marketing, 2011 |
120 | Xuehua Wang | The Effects of Corporate-Brand Credibility, Perceived Corporate-Brand Origin, and Self-Image Congruence on Purchase Intention: Evidence From China's Auto Industry | Journal of Global Marketing, 2011 |
119 | Qinghua Wang | The “State of the State” in Reform-Era China | Asian Perspective, 2011 |
118 | Li Hua,Wei Yu | Enhancing community system in China’s recent health reform:An effort to improve equity in essential health care | Health Policy, 2011 |
117 | Shuaizhang Feng | Linkages among climate change, crop yields and Mexico-US cross-border migration | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 2010 |
116 | Yong Zhou | Efficient estimation of seemingly unrelated additive nonparametric regression models | Journal of System Science and Complex, 2010 |
115 | Yan Chen | Genetic relation algorithm with guided mutation for the large-scale portfolio optimization | Expert Systems with Applications, 2010 |
114 | Yong Zhou | Confident estimation for density of a biological population based on line transect sampling | Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2010 |
113 | Jinhong You | Weighted Profile Least Squares Estimation for a Panel Data Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Mode | Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 2010 |
112 | Jianhua Hu | Equivalent conditions for noncentral generalized Laplacianness and independence of matrix quadratic forms | Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2010 |
111 | Yong Zhou | Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models with Censored Data | Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2010 |
110 | Haibin Zhao | General solutions to consistency problems in multiple hypothesis testing | Biometrical journal, 2010 |
109 | Haibin Zhao | Test homogeneity of order-restricted means | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2010 |
108 | Haibin Zhao | Optimized Ranking and Selection Methods for Feature Selection with Application in Microarray Experiments | Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2010 |
107 | Jinhong You | Statistical Inference for Fixed-Effects Partially Linear Regression Models with Errors in Variables | Statistical Papers, 2010 |
106 | Yan Chen | A model of portfolio optimization using time adapting genetic network programming | Computers & Operations Research, 2010 |
105 | Jinhong You | Statistical inference on seemingly unrelated varying coefficient partially linear models | Statistica Neerlandica, 2010 |
104 | Yuling Wang | Analysing Insurer Rating Transitions with Different Economic and Industry Cycles | The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance— Issues and Practice, 2010 |
103 | Yuelin Shen | Coordinating a channel with asymmetric cost information and the manufacturer's optimality | International Journal of Production Economics, 2010 |
102 | Xiaoqing Xie | Improving Hospitality Industry Sales | Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2010 |
101 | Xuehua Wang | The Effect of Brand Credibility on Consumers’ Brand Purchase Intention in Emerging Economies: The Moderating Role of Brand Awareness and Brand Image | Journal of Global Marketing, 2010 |
100 | Bo Chen | Measuring Economic Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Principal Components Approach | Asian Economic Papers, 2010 |
99 | Yangchun Tong | Order postponement in a supply chain in the presence of exponential demand with gamma prior | Operations Research Letters, 2010 |
98 | Feng Wang | China's renewable energy policy: Commitments and challenges | Energy Policy, 2010 |
97 | Shu Keng | Agents of Taiwan-China Unification? The Political Roles of Taiwanese Business People in the Process of Cross-Strait Integration | Asian Survey, 2010 |
96 | Hongxing Yang | It Takes a Village (Perhaps a Nation): Families, States, and Educational Achievement | Journal of Marriage and Family, 2010 |
95 | Guoliang Zhou | Saddlepoint approximations for studentized compound Poisson sums with no moment conditions in audit sampling | Science China Mathematics, 2010 |
94 | Feng Liu | Effect of Medicaid Coverage of Tobacco-Dependence Treatments on | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2009 |
93 | Angus C. Chu | Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Survey | Academia Economic Papers, 2009 |
92 | Ling Shen | Urban and Rural Disparity—the demand analysis | Journal of Developing Areas, 2009 |
91 | Ning Sun | Strategy-proof and privacy-preserving fair allocation mechanism | The Japanese Economic Review, 2009 |
90 | Ninghua Du | Experimental Evidence on Advertising and Pricing | New Zealand Economic Papers: Special Issue on Experimental Economics, 2009 |
89 | Yong Zhou | Gaining efficiency via weighted estimators for multivariate failure time data | Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 2009 |
88 | Yong Zhou | Nonparametric Estimation of the Production Function with Time-Varying Elasticity Coefficients | Journal of System Engineering and Practice, 2009 |
87 | Yong Zhou | Strong Convergence Rates of Several Estimators in Semiparametric Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models. | Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2009 |
86 | Yong Zhou | 时变弹性系数生产函数的非参数估计 | 系统工程理论与实践, 2009(EI) |
85 | Yong Zhou | 次贷危机中的传染机制研究和策略分析 | 管理评论, 2009 |
84 | Jinhong You | Statistical inference for regression models with covariate measurement error and auxiliary information | International Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2009 |
83 | Jinhong You | Weighted denoised minimum distance estimation in a regression model with autocorrelated measurement errors | Statistics Papers, 2009 |
82 | Jizhong Zhou | Fear of Floating and Pegging | Open Economies Review, 2009 |
81 | Xuehua Wang | The Impacts of Brand Personality and Congruity on Purchase Intention: Evidence from the Chinese Mainland’s Automobile Market | Journal of Global Marketing, 2009 |
80 | Jun Zhang | The inconvenient truth about improving vehicle fuel efficiency: A multi-attributes analysis of the technology efficient frontier of the US automobile industry | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2009 |
79 | Xiaoqing Xie | Room-Risk Management at Sunquest Vacations | Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2009 |
78 | Zhongjun Tian | Preemptive scheduling of jobs with agreeable due dates on a single machine to minimize total tardiness | Opertions Rsearch Letters, 2009 |
77 | Jing Dong | Managing complexity and unforeseeable uncertainty in startup companies: An empirical study | Organization Science, 2009 |
76 | Langfang Wang | Convertibles and Milestones in Staged Financing | Journal of Economics & Finance, 2009 |
75 | Ziye Zhao | Regulatory Incentives for Earnings Management through Asset Impairment Reversals in China | Journal of Accounting Auditing&Finance, 2009 |
74 | Fang Fang | Is there a term structure? empirical evidence from shanghai | International Real Estate Review, 2009 |
73 | Feng Wang | Homeowners and their associations in urban china | Alternatives internationles,2009 |
72 | Angus C. Chu | Special Interest Politics and Intellectual Property Rights: An Economic Analysis of Strengthening Patent Protection in the Pharmaceutical Industry | Economics & Politics, 2008 |
71 | Min Zhang | Cyclical Behavior of Unemployment and Job Vacancies: A Comparison between Canada and the United States | The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2008 |
70 | Shuaizhang Feng | Longitudinal Matching of Recent Current Population Surveys: Methods, Non-matches, and Mismatches | Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 2008 |
69 | Shuaizhang Feng | Consistent cell means for topcoded incomes in the public use march CPS (1976–2007) | Journal of Economic and Social, 2008 |
68 | Shuaizhang Feng | Generalised percentile ratios as robust measures of labour earnings inequality | Int. J. Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 2008 |
67 | Cuihong Fan | Research Joint Ventures, Optimal Licensing, and the R&D Subsidy Policy | The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 2008 |
66 | Junji Xiao | Technological advances in digital cameras: Welfare analysis on easy-to-use characteristics | Marketing Letters, 2008 |
65 | Feng Liu | Correlates of State Legislative Action to Prevent Childhood Obesity | Obesity, 2008 |
64 | Yongge Tian | More on extremal ranks of the matrix expressions A-BX ± X*B* with statistical applications | Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2008 |
63 | Yongge Tian | On the natural restrictions in the singular Gauss-Markov model | Statistical Papers, 2008 |
62 | Jianwen Peng | A system of variational inclusions with P–-accretive operators | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008 |
61 | Yong Zhou | Statistical Inference of Default Probability in Credit Risk Models | Journal of System Engineering and Practice, 2008 |
60 | Liming Wang | Testing for Change-point of the First-order Autoregressive Time Series Models | Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2008 |
59 | Xiaoming Wang | A simple and effective method for variable selection in additive models | Journal of applied probability and statistics, 2008 |
58 | Jinhong You | Statistical Inference for Partially Linear Regression Models with Measurement Errors | Chinese Annals of Mathematics - Series B, 2008 |
57 | Wenjie Ma | The causal effect of graduating from a top university on promotion: Evidence from the University of Tokyo’s 1969 admission freeze | Economics of Education Review, 2008 |
56 | Yuelin Shen | Reactive Tabu Search in a Team-Learning Problem | INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2008 |
55 | Zhongjun Tian | Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control of Substitute Products | Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2008 |
54 | Xuehua Wang | Does country-of-origin matter in the relationship between brand personality and purchase intention in emerging economies?: Evidence from China's auto industry | International Marketing Review, 2008 |
53 | Xuehua Wang | Asymmetric effects of brand origin confusion: Evidence from the emerging market of China | International Marketing Review, 2008 |
52 | Xuehua Wang | A Meta-Analysis of Effect Sizes in International Marketing Experiments | International Marketing Review, 2008 |
51 | Bo Chen | A composite index of economic integration in the asia-pacifi | A decade of developments, 2008 |
50 | Jun Huang | Diversification of Chinese companies: an international comparison | Chinese Management Studies, 2008 |
49 | Lijun Xia | Founder Control, Ownership Structure and Firm Value: Evidence from Entrepreneurial Listed Firms in China | China Journal of Accounting Research, 2008 |
48 | Hua Li,Gene Chang | Disparity in Health Resource Allocation between Rural and Urban Areas in China: Is it Getting Worse? | Chinese Economy, 2008 |
47 | Gene Chang | Estimation of the Undervaluation of the Chinese Currency by a Non-Linear Model | Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2008 |
46 | Wei Yu | Healthcare Costs and Major Medical Conditions Near End of Life for Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury and Disease | Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2008 |
45 | Wei Yu | Gender disparities in Veterans Health Administration Care: Importance of accounting for veteran status | Medical Care, 2008 |
44 | Angus C. Chu | Confidence-Enhanced Economic Growth | The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 2007 |
43 | Junji Xiao | A Method For Analyzing Strategic Product Launch | Frontiers of Economics in China, 2007 |
42 | Tao Li | The Messenger Game: Strategic Information Transmission Through Legislative Committees | Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2007 |
41 | Yongge Tian | Some algebraic and statistical properties of estimators under a general growth curve model | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2007 |
40 | Yongge Tian | Some mixed-type reverse-order laws for the Moore-Penrose inverse of a triple matrix product. | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2007 |
39 | Yongge Tian | On reverse-order laws for least-squares g-inverses and minimum norm g-inverses of a matrix product | Aequationes Mathematicae, 2007 |
38 | Yongge Tian | On a group of mixed-type reverse-order laws for generalized inverses of a triple matrix product with applications | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2007 |
37 | Jianwen Peng | Implict iteration process with mean errors for common fixed points of a finite family of strictly pseudocontrative maps | International J. of Math. Analysis, 2007 |
36 | Liming Wang | Single-Machine Scheduling to Stochastically Minimize Maximum | Journal of Scheduling, 2007 |
35 | Jinhong You | Two-stage estimation for seemingly unrelated nonparametric regression models | Journal of System Science & Complexity, 2007 |
34 | Wenge Zhu | Robust Control Theory and Catastrophe-linked Securities Pricing | Review of Futures Markets, 2007 |
33 | Gene Chang | Is the Chinese Currency Undervalued? Empirical Evidence and Policy Implication | The International Journal of Public Administration, 2007 |
32 | Wei Yu | Phibbs Gender and Use of Care: Planning for Tomorrow's Veterans Health Administration | Journal of Women's Health, 2007 |
31 | Desheng Ouyang | Cross-Validation and the Estimation of Probability Distributions with Categorical Data | Nonparametric Statistics, 2006 |
30 | Yongge Tian | The equivalence between (AB)† = B†A† and other mixed-type reverse-order laws International | Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 2006 |
29 | Yongge Tian | Ranks and independence of solutions of the matrix equation AXB + CYD = M | Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae, 2006 |
28 | Yongge Tian | Rank equalities for idempotent matrices with Applications | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2006 |
27 | Yongge Tian | On common generalized inverses of a pair of matrices | Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2006 |
26 | Yongge Tian | Universal similarity factorization equalities over generalized Clifford algebras | Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2006 |
25 | Yongge Tian | Invariance properties of a triple matrix | Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 2006 |
24 | Yongge Tian | Extremal ranks of some symmetric | SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2006 |
23 | Yongge Tian | The extremal ranks of A1 − B1XC1 subject to a pair of matrix equations. | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell'Universita di Padova, 2006 |
22 | Yong Zhou | A kernel-type estimator of a quantile function under randomly truncated data | Acta Mathematica Sinica, (English Ed.), 2006 |
21 | Yong Zhou | Variable selection by pseudo wavelets in heteroscedastic regression models involving time series | Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2006 |
20 | Yebin Chen | Tail asymptotics for Pollaczek-Khinchin type series with applications to ruin in perturbed model | Southeast Asian Bull. Math., 2006 |
19 | ChiLeung Wong | Estimation of the Autoregressive Order in the Presence of Measurement Errors | Economics Bulletin, 2006 |
18 | Zhongjun Tian | An O(n2) Algorithm for Scheduling Equal-Length Preemptive Jobs on a Single Machine to Minimize Total Tardiness | Journal of Scheduling, 2006 |
17 | Xuehua Wang | A Review of Research Methodologies in International Business | International Business Review, 2006 |
16 | Gene Chang | The Paradox of China’s Growing Under-urbanization | Economic Systems, 2006 |
15 | Wei Yu | Association of Comorbidities with Prescribing Patterns and Cost Savings: Olanzapine vs. Risperidone for Schizophrenia | Pharmoco Economics, 2006 |
14 | Wei Yu | Use of Aggressive Medical Treatments near the End of Life: Differences between Patients with and without Dementia | Health Services Research, 2006 |
13 | Wei Yu | Determinants of Cost among People Who Died in VA Nursing Homes | Medical Care Research and Review, 2006 |
12 | Minghen Zhang | An Approach to VaR for Capital Markets with Gaussian Mixture | Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005 |
11 | Yongge Tian | Cochran's statistical theorem for outer inverses of matrices and matrix quadratic forms | Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2005 |
10 | Yongge Tian | Some inequalities for sums of nonnegative definite matrices in quaternions | Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2005 |
9 | Yongge Tian | Special forms of generalized inverses of row block matrices | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2005 |
8 | Yongge Tian | The reverse-order law (AB)^+ = B^+(A^+ABB^+)^+A^+ and its equivalent equalities | Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University, 2005 |
7 | Yongge Tian | Schur complements and Banachiewicz-Schur forms | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 2005 |
6 | Ying Chen | On the exact null distribution of the generalized likelihood ratio test for analyzing unreplicated factorial designs | Biometrical Journal, 2005 |
5 | Jianli Shao | ERP系统中的企业统计核算信息生成研究 | 计算机工程, 2005(EI) |
4 | Wenge Zhu | The puzzle of paucity of demand of life insurance in china: an economic analysis | The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance— Issues and Practice, 2005 |
3 | Qing Mou | Knowledge diffusion, market segmentation and technological catch-up: The case of the telecommunication industry in China | Research policy, 2005 |
2 | Zhongjun Tian | On the Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem | European Journal of Operational Research, 2005 |
1 | Qinglu Jin | How an ABC study helped a china's state-owned company stay competitive | Journal of Cost Management, 2005 |